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so as to take the spotlight off the ongoing failures of the bail outs, stimulus and budget?


Nikki said...

Not only that, it's a chance to bash "obstructing" Republicans.
And it gets better. Talk about a crisis to take advantage of. More power for Obama admin to grab.

easy24q said...

Do you think that just because Bush is out of office we automatically forget who bailed out first, making Bush the socialist. Ongoing failures? NO Obama is fixing those ongoing failures. Do you remember getting a check, if you are over 18, from Bush? That was called a stimulus package. Are YOU happy about a pandemic? You are one iggnant MO FO.

fdm215 said...

I can't imagine anyone is thankful to think a pandemic may occur. Obama is incredibly popular and has high job ratings. He doesn't need a distraction.

Hater Police said...

Flu viruses mutate. Its not predictable. Spare us the wacky conspiracy theories.

Fake Security Cameras said...

get a life! its no ones fault it happens and we cant expect obama to fix everything he has to deal with bush's mess first

Cut Throat B**** said...

Leave Alabama alone. It's not their fault.

ObamaBot THX-1138 said...

No, but if you think otherwise, why not provide a reason for it?

Astro K? said...

do the bama people see it that way or do you?

American Splendor said...

You have no earthly clue, do you?

UGOT2BKI said...

Well sure, don't you know they love a good crises...time to pass more pork bills. Hey, how about free vouchers to Mexico for all the politicians in Washington. Maybe he can give a Speech.

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