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I'm planning on going to Disney World later this month and I know the swine flu is still spreading a lot and even there are some cases in Florida of the swine flu. Disney World is always filled with millions of people and lots of people go there at the same time. There's a lot of kids there and some schools are closed and I guess it had to do with how kids don't always take care of themselves properly. Well you know many kids go to Disney World. Should I be worried about getting the swine flu if I go there later this month?


Michael B said...

Nah don't worry about it, to stay on the safe side though I would wash your hands frequently and stay away from people coughing and sneezing.

hammadta said...

I would suggest you to not to travel anywhere at the moment. Governments are lifting their ban on travel and it is a wide-spread knowledge that nothing is gonna happen now because this topic is less covered in the news now but there are deaths, including 1 in New york. My advise will be to not to go anywhere for the moment.

Live Music Videos said...

For some reason the news are not covering swine flu anymore.
I suggest going here:http://swineflu-preventionsupdates.blogs...
They'll update the info.
and you can ask them questions, by leaving a comment.

Jeremy B said...

Absolutely not. The common flu kills many many times more people each year than this. I believe in the neighborhood of 17,000 and nobody bats an eye. Just remind yourself of that when you find yourself getting worried.

TweetyBi said...

If you don't ordinarily worry about seasonal flu, then there's no reason to worry about swine flu. And seasonal flus kill 36,000 a year.

Smartphone Themes said...

No, just don't sit near someone who is hacking up a lung!
CDC H1N1 flu or swine flu, could be what the Mayan’s were thinking of when they predicted the end would be 12/21/2012. If the swine flu turns into an actual pandemic, this could cause a die off for mankind by 12/21/2012. So far it’s nothing more than what regular flu would do and maybe there is really nothing at all to worry about.
See for your self what CDC has to say:
"A New Influenza Virus "Novel influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that was first detected in April, 2009. The virus is infecting people and is spreading from person-to-person, sparking a growing outbreak of illness in the United States. An increasing number of cases are being reported internationally as well.
It’s thought that novel influenza A (H1N1) flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread; mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus.
It’s uncertain at this time how severe this novel H1N1 outbreak will be in terms of illness and death compared with other influenza viruses. Because this is a new virus, most people will not have immunity to it, and illness may be more severe and widespread as a result. In addition, currently there is no vaccine to protect against this novel H1N1 virus. CDC anticipates that there will be more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths associated with this new virus in the coming days and weeks.
NOTE: This is a rapidly evolving situation and current guidance and other web content may contain variations in how this new H1N1 virus of swine origin is referred to. Over the coming days and weeks, these inconsistencies will be addressed, but in the interests of meeting the agency's response goals, all guidance will remain posted and new guidance will continue to be issued."

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