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This is the first worldwide pandemic in 41 years.


Paul Grass is back said...

Yes he wil appoint a flu Czar, possibly some long lost Kennedy

Ruby said...

He should do nothing.
The media should be responsible and, simultaneous with reporting of the declaration of pandemic, also report that the W.H.O. has also stated that the swine flu is not severe.
Of course it isn't in the interests if the profiteers to make that known so the corporate mainstream media conveniently leaves that part out of the reporting.
What a scam. This is about PROFIT, PROFIT, PROFIT and nothing more.

bwlobo said...

Obama like to vote "present". He will do nothing about the swine flu pandemic. Obama believes the UN and a world government should be in universal control. This capitulation to WHO and the UN only makes sense if you see all his "worldwide apology tours" as campaigning for the leader of a "One World Government".

DAR said...

No, it is the first DECLARED pandemic in 41 years. There are world wide 'flu epidemics' every single year, killing far more. This is novel, it could mutate, it bears watching and should be put into the coctail for this year's flu shot (NOT its own, that is a boondoggle for big pharma companies.) However, it isn't more virulent than the flu we see every year -- so far.

bostonia said...

So, what exactly do you propose that Mr Obama do? Seal the borders and totally collapse the economy?
35,000 Americans die every year from influenza. So far this strain is less virulent that most though of course it could mutate. The last thing that we need to do is to try and rush a vaccine out and wind up killing more people with a rushed vaccine than the flu itself. That has happened in the past.

pissedof said...

This whole Swine Flu thing is a joke. The regular flu kills more people every year that this stuff has so far. This is the price we pay for a 24/7 news cycle. Back in the day, this would never have been a blip on the radar screen.

Experience Transcendence said...

if the WHO really wanted to scare people they should have done it weeks ago when people gave a damn about the swineflu/N1H1/let's just make up a name/ virus
All I gots to say is: WHO cares.

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