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im a senior currently and was planning on going to a language learning school in Cuernavaca, Mexico this June to improve my spanish...
does this mean i cant go now because of the swine flu?
Also, my dad was just in Cuernavaca about 5 weeks ago, is there a chance he could still get symptoms or is the virus much more recent?


Ugly Videos said...

The Swine flu is more recent but has killed 149 people in less than 2 weeks. Schools have been shut down in Mexico because of this outbreak and there is a high chance that you will get this flu, but many people think there is a very little chance of getting the flu, but they are wrong unfortunately. It is very likely you father has the swine flu but might have gotten to by pass it for it is not at a very lethal state as it might become. I would suggest preventing yourself from going to Mexico because there is a high risk that you will catch this flu and you should only go there for an emergency or for something you absolutely must do.
The Global ALERT LEVEL for a flu is from, ONE meaning not very harmful at all... to SIX which is a global pandemic which is very harmful. The ALERT LEVEL for this flu, is 4, and increasing.

Mikal said...

Less then 200 people have died of it in Mexico out of a population of over 100 million. That is 0.0002% of the population. In the US about 36,000 people die of the standard flu every year. Those are the facts. Unless you are a senior citizen or a child the worse that is likely to happen if you got it was being sick for a week. You literally have a higher chance of being struck by lighting,which is about .0003% , then dying of the swine flu.

Funny Fart Videos said...

hopefully you'll be able too but if not that would suck i think your dad should be ok but just incase if he has any symptoms then he should go to the doctor

lindzymi said...

im suppose to be goin in May. Im hoping to wait N see if it calms down a lil. Hope it does, cause I dnt wanna miss my vacation. =/

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