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whats the fatality rate? because i live in cali, and just got like some calls saying "school might be closed down, take some special santiary protocals" and stuff....
so.... anyone.... just.... bring me up to date.!


Tub Transfer Bench said...

The Booga Booga going to get you!
Better hide

Peggy said...

some more cases in new jersey
more causes in new york
a case in indiana
well atleast you dont have to go to school.. new excuse a pig ate my immune syustem

tgr1013 said...
read the above link it should calm you down a bit

Baby Sleep Positioners said...

Theres an airborne flu going around with a possible fatality rate. there have been cases of it reported in califonia, and mexico. it has killed over 100 people in mexico, and there are now 1000 people infected with the disease globally. the reason your school may be closing is because they want to avoid large gatherings of people, to reduce risk of airborne contact. No one in america has died from the virus...and its quite possible the mortality rate for the disease was so high in mexico because of the disenfranchised health care system.

tfoley50 said...

Well Looks like you are Informed, If you Wash Your hands and Not Touch Your Nose, Ears and Eyes, and Cover Yourself while You Cough or Sneezes then you will protect Yourself better.
8 Cases in California
2 in Kansas
29 in New York City
12 in Texas
1 in Ohio
6 in Canada
They will be more Cases to Come so do what you can to Protect yourself, Have a Great Good Night.

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