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And am I correct in saying that the last officially declared pandemic was back in the 1800s?? This swine flu sure is scary.. especially with kids..!


John de Witt said...

It's flu, for Chrissake! There won't be a cure, but there's little reason to be worried about the kids. The deaths are from complications, and they're generally confined to people with co-morbidities. My kids are grown now, but if they were still little, I'd look at the risks of the flu, look at the number of kids who go off their nut when taking Tamiflu, and not give the drug to the kids. The risk/benefit balance is somewhat different in, for example, the elderly diabetic with chronic lung disease. But there's no reason to go into a full-fledged panic.
This, by the way, is not the first time swine flu has raised its ugly head. The previous major outbreak, not that many people died, but there were considerable cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with the immunization. Let's hope that gets ironed out this time.

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