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The CDC says that Swine Flu in the USA is mild. Is the agency lying? If people are dying from Swine Flu like they did from Bird Flu in 1918 then would the USA government caution its citizens? What will a horrible pandemic do to the recession?


David H said...

Take it easy man. Swine flu rolls through now and again. It's not 1918.

฿└ΛÇκ ĦΘŁỀ ŞЏП said...

if it works
the american diet has so many hormones and antibiotics in it our bodies may not respond

bash said...

In the US, no one has died from swine flu....they are all getting better so far...thus, it is 'mild' so far in the US. Did you not think that the US was cautioning our citizens? President Obama has already made a public statement concerning this flu strain....cautioning was absolutely a prevalent part of the speech....but scaring the hell out of people unnecessarily is a bit early when few people have become ill in the US and everyone is getting better thus far.

Law & Order: Intarwebz Unit 2.0 said...

It's currently at epidemic levels, not pandemic.
Generally, health agencies control the spread of the disease by warning people, keeping hospitals on notice and purposefully overreacting to any crisis. Even mild risks are treated very seriously. They'll also shut down major transport hubs if the risk becomes high enough and try to quarantine off areas of outbreak. If the situation got bad enough (which I doubt it will), martial law might be enacted, and the military would be sent in to control quarantined areas.
Disease during recession times can cause further economic decline, not to mention a dip in morality across the nation(s) affected. Between the fear, loss of healthy workers and the public's hesitancy to go out in public to buy products from stores, let's just say that it wouldn't be what the world needs right now. Not that the world would ever need that, of course.
Thus far, the epidemic seems to be pretty well contained. You may want to take precautions if you're in a high-risk area (hospital, transportation hubs near areas of outbreak, Mexico, etc.) such as washing your hands with soap and being careful about the foods you purchase and who you stand near, but I wouldn't spend too much time obsessing about it. Just use common sense and keep an eye on the news. This will probably blow over soon.

e w said...

In 1918 it was Spanish Influenza, not bird flu.
And back then they didn't have any idea of what caused it; viruses hadn't been discovered back then.
Noone in the USA has died from the new swine flu yet, and perhaps some of the Mexicans who died from it had compromised immunity because of poor nutrition, or were older, or some other factor.
It's not yet an epidemic or pandemic, there have been sporadic outbreaks, so let's not go off the deep end yet.
And, if it should become a pandemic, it certainly wouldn't help the economy (although the doctors/hospitals would make a lot of money from it).
Remember SARS and the bird flu from a couple of years ago? There was a lot of concerns over those diseases, yet they didn't sweep the globe and kill thousands or millions.
While it's possible that this new flu could become out of control, let's not start lining up the coffins, yet.

Pat said...

The 1918 epidemic was the Spanish flu.
How are WE supposed to know if the CDC is lying about the flu?
And what motive would they have?
If there is a pandemic, the government could take several steps, including caution, education, immunization, and isolation of those affected.

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