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I know its all over the news, but i would like to know what are the symptoms for the swine flu. How do I know when a family member or even myself is infekted with it? Is there any way I can prevent it? ANy other useful information relating the topic is welcomed. Oh yeah and my brother says hi. Thank you.


Augustin said...

you prevent it the same way that you would pervent any other flu... wash your hands, dont touch your face often, dont shake hands, cough into your elbow...

teddyafo said...

click !

TrustUsW said...

There is no way to prevent it other then isolating yourself from people and to make sure you always wash your hands and keep your house and yourself very clean. Stay away from large crowds and try your best to stay away from hospitals and try walk-in clinics if necessary because if you don't have the swine flu now you will most likely get it at a hospital. Symptoms are vomiting, sore throat, cough.

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