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I thought it's only spread by contact.


al Umar said...

dont bother wearing a mask... waste money and effort... you will get it even if you wear it...

winztin said...

It is just a precaution, I think.

Jerry Y said...

Yup. N95 to be exact. By H1N1 can be transmitted to droplet you should be safe if your 3 feet away on it but if its airborne then that the worse case because it can travel miles away.

Daniel said...

seriously it's an over-reaction.
200+ people get swine flu and everyone wears a mask..
12million people have aids and no one wants to wear a condom..
seriously guys...

Valerie Shen said...

I'm responding to Daniel's answer. Let's not be foolish. Aids dont spread thru air, flu virus does so wearing a mask when u have a flu or with someone with a flu esp now will help stamp the spread....

DragonTo said...

Wearing a mask is not a must. But wearing it the right way, cuts down the chances of you getting the flu by about 70%-80%. Unless you are planning to get that flu i suggest that you wear a mask to protect yourself.

moy said...

Yes, It is o.k. to wear it and it protect in some exetend.
I believe it is somewhat extended precaution, and I think it is good.
It is important to keep cool and let the all precautions are in place to protect further spreading the Virus.

KC said...

Shane, you 're exactly right !.
It over reaction! , over and over reaction, creating FEAR !!! & FEAR!!!
Our global economy has collasped due to FEAR !!!
More importantly man-made FEAR needs to contain first before the H1N!.
Speculation and speculation creating unnecesary FEAR !!! . The economy will be doomed!
Hope the leaders in the world will stay CALM and take the right action to hammer FEAR!!!.

shane said...

8,836,045 inhabitants in Mexico City 12 confirmed deaths...lets put this in perspective.....Every year in the United States, on average:
5% to 20% of the population gets the flu;
more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications; and
about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes.
Make up your own mind ...its a huge cover up of somthin?
12 deaths and we are on a level 5 alert?
440000 people die from smoking every year and all we do is raise the tax on cigs?.......get real
2.2million people die in africa from aids.....
12 people from swine flu and the president wants 2.1 billion$
If u beleve all this swine b.s. I got som ocean front property in Az. for sale....I only except Pay/Pal:)

Anonymous said...

Not just contact. Like say if someone sneezes or coughs the small particles are in the air and if you breath enough of them then yea you'll get it. You can also get it by touching something that someone who is infected touches and then say you rub your eyes, nose, mouth, etc.... That's why if you wanted to be protected around the people who have a sickness then wear one. Also carry the anti bacterial stuff with you.

jeretang said...

Most definitely! Any form of flu/influenza spread to tiny air droplets (by coughing or sneezing). Also, if infected person rub his/her nose or sneeze/cough on his/her hands it can also be transmitted. However, if the infected person is 2 meters or more (excluding wind factor) away, the air droplets is not potent enough.

NRAlifem said...

The flu virus (all of them) are respiratory transmissible (you can breath it in) as well as by contact (shaking hands, sharing a drinking glass, etc.). A regular surgical mask is helpful but not 100% effective in preventing transmission of the flu- it works much better to keep your germs in rather than keeping other people's germs out. To be really safe, you would need an N95 certified respirator. That would be overkill though and so is a mask for most people. While it is a serious health threat, I agree that the media has blown this all out of proportion and most people don't need to panic. Wash your hands, cover your mouth/nose when you cough/sneeze, and you'll likely be fine.

question said...

Surgical masks are useful if you have the flu and want to prevent passing it others. Not useful at all if you want to prevent catching the flu from others.
However, since some people who have the flu and are infectious may not show any symptoms at all, it may be helpful to wear masks anyway to reduce any chances of transmission.

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