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Be specific and address the immune response


lainey lain said...

Weakened immune system, poor health and in adequate health care.

Cindy said...

Its deadly because the docters have not found a vaccine for it yet, and its a mix between pigs and humans, that means its dangerous since its mixed with pigs

ashley s said...

it is deadly to humans beacuse it is a mix bettween pig(animal) and human viruses and they havent found a vacine for it yet.

staggy35 said...

its not that its really the swine flu that's deadly to humans. It is the new strain which has different animal types of influenza. Most noticeably the Avian influenza. Just remember to wash your hands and stay away from sick people.

Funny Military Videos said...

This flu is more deadly than "regular" flu because it tends to attack the strongest, healthiest members of a population. The infected person's immune system then overcompensates for the virus, which makes it more deadly.

Juggerna said...

Its not any more dangerous than the regular flu, but since it has part of a pig, bird, and human virus it is a lot more contagious and there isnt a vaccine. Teh people who are going to most likely die are infants and the elderly due to there weak immune system.

Pasha said...

It's pretty much the same as the common flu during the flu season. This one just popped up unexpectedly. There haven't been many deaths. 7 "confirmed" in Mexico, but those there didn't receive the needed treatment. USA, UK, Europe, etc are all prepared and have antiviral drugs distributed and ready to go. That and it is mainly infants, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems who are most likely to die. Younger and middle aged individuals who are healthy have a very low chance of dying. If you have survived the common flu before, then you will most likely push through H1N1. It is dangerous, but not as much as everyone and the media is making it out to be.

sammysam said...

This Flu is brand spanking new! It's actually a mix between pig dna, bird dna and human dna. Something we've never seen and hoped we wouldn't. The reason why it's deadly is because our bodies have not seen this virus there fore we cannot fight it off. It attacks the respiratory system hard. No we do not have a vaccine. They're reporting theantiviralss only work as long as there administered with in 48 hours of catching it. The young and the old are always a target as their immune systems are weaker.
-Wash your hands!!!!!!
-Cough/sneeze into your elbow..not your hands
-Use wet ones or lysol wipes/spray as they have Benzalkonium Chloride which kills norovirus, rotavirus, influenza virus as well as others (Google it's proven)
Hand sanitizers do not-DO NOT kill viruses!!!
Stay healthy...hopefully it'll all die down soon.

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