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Other than the spread of AIDS throughout the world, the last major easily communicable pandemic that spread through the world resulting in millions of deaths was the Spanish Flu in 1918.
What do you think will be the next big virus/disease that causes worldwide panic/illness/death and how long do we have until it happens?
Are you worried about it?
and if so,
What preparations are you making for it?
Do you have a plan of action in mind to limit risk to your family/loved ones?


pab said...

what about polio?
what about small pox?
no i'm not worried, because what can you do?
that is why we have the Center for Disease Control. They have helped stop dangerous diseases from spreading.

Sunshine said...

Hi Miss Ray of Sunshine;-)
I am not too worried,as medical science is MUCH more advanced than,say,in 1918.

jesusfre said...

Well, you forgot cancer! It's pretty big. I know four people personally who died of it, and a couple others that I know through people...
But the point of an epidemic is we won't know of it till it hits us...

Mike C said...

Lets have HAPPINESS.
Its well overdue

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