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How could you increase your, and your family's, chances of surviving. Would you head for the mountains, lock yourself in your house with a mountain of tin cans of food, what?


Jimmy the Saint said...

Relax -- there won't be a bird flu epidemic. Bird flu is being hyped because the drug companies want to make billions of dollars vaccinating everyone. There have been about 100 people WORLD WIDE who have died of bird flu, out of tens of thousands who have been exposed. The few who have died were already in very poor health, and had direct contact with contaminated birds.
For a bird flu pandemic to start, the virus would have to mutate to be able to be transmited from human to human. The chances of that are extermely small, and it hasn't happened. So, as of right now, a bird flu pandemic is literally impossible. Even if it DID somehow mutate, it wouldn't be the crazy death-inducing plague that made-for-TV movies would have you believe because the vast majority of people who are exposed don't get sick, and the vast majority of those who do get sick, don't die. Most people who have gotten sick from it reported flu like symptoms, then got better. The figures you've heard (that 50-62% die) are statistically warped to inspire fear and panic.
Meanwhile, Republican Senator Bill Frist tacked on a rider to a defense bill at 11:35 pm on the Saturday night before the Senate left for Holiday break last winter, that granted drug companies complete immunity from legal liability if their bird flu vaccination harms or kills anyone. People who have been vaccinated are already showing very severe side effects, including severe hallucinations, and two deaths. Several key people in the Bush administration own huge amounts of stock in the drug company making the vaccine, and stand to get very rich (well - richer) from it.
So, to answer your question, if a bird flu pandemic started, I'd simply wash my hands a bit more, and would avoid being vaccinated.

JD said...

The best way to protect yourself in any situation like this is to avoid maximum contact with people, but at the same time maintain a good level of fitness and eat healthy. Washing your hands frequently is also highly advisable.

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