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1) wearing a facial mask
2) without a facial mask
(You have to do your own Internet research for the latest Mexico swine flu infection statistics.)


ho hummmmm said...

you'd have to have up close and personal contact with an infected person to catch it, and even then, you might not get the virus. If you are going to be in crowded areas, like a plane, i'd wear a mask. that's probably good advice all the time whether or not there is a swine flu outbreak--planes circulate dirty air.
you should avoid having sex with potentially infected people too, i think that kind of "close" contact would put you most at risk! all in all, i don't think we should panic (yet)

open_sky said...

Depends on the efficacy of the face mask. No controlled studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of a face mask on preventing flu. It would depend on the mask and how it is constructed (paper, cloth, synthetic, carbon filter etc.) Wearing a face mask should significantly reduce the probability compared to going unprotected.

Reicky said...

Facemasks are effective to protect your mouth and nose from other people coughs and to reduce the wearers' likehood of coughing on others.
The risk of virus infection can be reduced through a combintaion of actions. No single action will provide complete protection.
At this point your chances to get the flu are:
1900/103,263,388 = .0018%
Less than car accident death ratio. So you better don't drive in mexico.

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