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I am travelling from Florida to Illinois, and I was wondering whether I should continue my plans made to go. I am going to a wedding, and I'd like to be there. I would appreciate your advice!


Alyssa B said...

I say go. Bring hand sanitizers, kleenex, face mask if you want.
I flying from rhode island to illinios to cali. To go home for the summer, don't let it ruin your life.
Even if you were to get it, about 150/2500 have died about. Its serious but the death threat isn't too high. And its a wedding.
But those are my thoughts but its still your choice.

Bill said...

The risk is probably low, and a consensus seems to be emerging that if you do get it outside mexico it probably will be mild. That said I wouldn't do it. Until this thing is under control I am remaining firmly at home as much as possible and not using any form of public transport. However i have a chronic condition I take an immune suppressant for, which puts me in a high risk group. Still, even if that was not the case I wouldn't do it. But that is me - I am a hypochondriac. Funny thing is, while some people snicker at hypochondriacs a doctor told me they do tend to live longer.
Bottom line - I wouldn't do it.

jazminx said...

Go.. but... PRAY!!!!!

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