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Is Swine Flu the same as Bird Flu but in human from?
How worried should we be, really?
I live in England, would they shut the schools and stuff here and will it spread this far?


Lilly said...

this is being blown way out of proportion, my step brothers are mexicans and just came on wednesday and they say here in the us people ar ejust ignorant to the truth, not everyone can get it and it is somewhat close to the bird flu so ive heard but i dont think so at all. 100 in mexico have died, and those reported also have had low immune systems so that obviously is a good source for the germs to live. 1300 were diagnosed with this flu yet 900 and something are out of danger and safely back home. what they do suggest is to be sanitary and clean and careful when caughing, sneezing, and any bodily fluid. only 2 schools in queens,new york have been closed because there ACTUALLY was a case reported but they will reopen soon after they are done cleaning it up as well as mexico in may6th of this year. they have 1million of antiobics that have helped alottt of those infected. yet they said in mexico they will try to have a vaccine for this in about 13 wks to atleast see how strong may this flu be..
i think you guys are blowing this out of proportion in my opinion. just clean everything desinfect and just dont be ignorant about it like alot of americans are here.

mlv7 said...

hellooo... i don't think you should worry about it yet.... i live here in the border between the united states and mexico. 149 mexicans have died....over 2,000 cases..... all the schools are closed down over there.... here in the u.s. 40 cases.... and 3 are here in my home town and they haven't even mentioned about closing down the school.. so i'm guessing its not that bad. besides if you go to the doctor quick enough, you'll be fine. you should check out this website ... it really answered all my questions. i hope this helps youu.... and odn't worry.... your like on the other Xd i right next to the mother country of the disease.... this link gives you information on the disease... this link has a lot of info too... well bu byeee

pfillip said...


fabi0 said...

na the teacher said is just another flu like normal but scientist just wanna protect people not a big deal...but is better to not have it than have it dont u think???
people are making a big deal of it bcuz its a new flu and scientists are studying it....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG 100 PEOPLE DIED shut up??!!!
so not a big deal dont worry just wash ur hands, get away when plp cough or anything like that...
lol i just said the same thing what my teacher said WHAT A STEALER???

pumper said...

Im not to worried yet. But whats scarry is that I just read that Mexico is losing 57 million dollars a day because tourist wont go there. Which means that jobs will be lost. So where will they go for jobs? You bet, America. Is this going to make for a mass invasion of illegal immigrants? Once that happens, how many will bring the flu with them? HHMMM!

Baby Safety Monitors said...

i believe that it is being blown wayyy out of proportion. the only people who have died from it are the people in mexico who have weak immune systems and poor health care. and i also hear that the reason why people have died is because they did not believe they were sick, so they did not go to the hospital to get treated. so just wash your hands a lot and you should be okay

Jon J said...

Worried enough to be carefull and follow basic hygiene, b ut not worried enough to not do anything, Read the information and guide on the link below for detailed information on Swine flu and howto protect against swine flu, including information about the N95 mask
Information and protection against Swine Flu

Rain said...

The "Swine flu" is not the infamous "Bird flu" that is so feared (although it is just as capable of becoming a pandemic). I don't believe that anyone is certain of how quick or widespread this virus will be but judging by the rate of infection I believe that it will eventually reach the entire planet.
Try to look past the hype and media fright mongering and realize that presently it appears that this new mutation is easily treatable with current retroviral drugs and modern medical techniques. Countries with less than adequate medical infrastructures (like Mexico) will make things appear worse than they really are simply because access to quality medical care is limited.
There is a real danger that the virus could mutate into a much more deadly form. Keep in mind that the chances are just as likely, if not more, that this virus will at some point mutate into a form that isn't even transmissible to humans.
Personally, I would be more worried about today's economic forecasts. :)

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