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I was wondering how long can the swine flu last in healthy adults around 20 before the symptoms subside? Once you get the swine flue is it true that you will be immune to this strain? Also currently I have a minor cough and minor aches but not unbearable needing a doctor. Do you think I have the swine flu in a moderate form? I have heard that drinking wine in moderation can prevent if not lessen symptoms of the flu.
Thanks for your help.


Anonymous said...

well i tried to ring the hotline but all i got was crackling!!!!

vonnieD said...

Do you live in mexico? I'm guessing no. Do you know anyone with the swine flu? I'm guessing no. Don't worry about it, dont listen to people's crazed opinions of how to get rid of the swine flu. Trust me, if you had the swine flu you would really know it.

Alicia B said...

Ok i'm 19 and pretty healthy... friday i morning i started coughing, then later that day i got a sore throat, then saturday, when i woke up, i had minor aches (i thought it was just the way i slept) then later that day i started getting a stuffy head and a headache, then even later i had horrible full body aches, then sunday morning i woke up feeling about the same way i did saturday night, that lasted pretty much the whole day then i took a nap and woke up feeling a whole lot better. And today i'm still a little sick and achy but nothing major. i had mild a fever and chills on saturday and sunday. that's pretty much how long it lasted for me. but i dont think i had the swine flu, i think it was just the regular flu...
just drink lots of water. and take some medicine to help with the pains. the source below has stuff you need to know about it.

Anonymous said...

it can last just as long as a flu. to the first dumb blonde who answered ur question, STFU LOLLLL. do you live in mexico. ha. 30 states have it retard. but a girl in my town has it and its been 5 days n shes feelin much better. it can last up until june if it wants too. generally 2-4weeks.

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