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I've heard that a human pandemic would only occur if a person with human influenza also contracted H5N1. Of course, with the spread of H5N1, the chances of a person with influenza also getting H5N1 are going up. I was thinking that if a pandemic were to occur, then I would move into the woods of Western PA until the pandemic lapsed. What other precautions could I take to avoid contracting a mutated human/bird flu during and spreading pandemic and afterwards?


Biometric Door Locks said...

as far as i know, it has not reached the us on a pandemic scale by any means. meanwhile keep you immune system strong and wash your hands a lot, that's the best way to stop infections

nano said...

stop worrying

MARTIN said...

Only if you develop the antidote Ur self cuz with this government that we have were doom.

txhypnot said...

LIve in a bubble, like the bubble boy.

Savo said...

Good luck to you but when it is your time it is your time. If you retreat to the woods you may get eaten my canabals or beheaded by headhunters. Worse yet it could be winter and the yeddi could get you.

Bamboo Wind Chimes said...

Your info is unfortunately wrong. At the moment a H5N1 pandemic can't happen because the virus hasn't yet mutated to be able to transmit from human to human. Whether a person has human influenza or not will not matter in the least. Once that mutation has happened and the virus is spreading, anyone can get it.
The idea of hiding til it's blown over is rather futile. If it hits the US you would most likely get general quarantines quite quickly. The virus could easily be around for several weeks.
And for unknown reasons, in the past all flu epidemics came in two or three waves, 1 to 4 months apart. Usually the second wave is the worst.
As far as increasing your chances of survival:
Jack up you immune system:
-be fit, in good physical shape (exercise)
- don't be too overweight
- make sure your diet contains all necessary vitains, minerals etc. (you might want to start adding immune enhancing supplements, of course a lot of what is being sold does zilch)
Get ready for some quarantine:
- Get goggles, N95 face masks and rubber gloves so if you get in touch with other people, you won't get exposed to virus
- carry a sprayer with desinfectant at all times and before you touch anything in public, spray it and afterwards spray your hands
- Start building up some supplies: food, water, soap, toothpase, toiletpaper and whatever else you might need for several weeks
You see, it's quite a big order.

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