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I heard that its good to get the swine flu now, because it will come back as a more lethal form in the winter/flu-season, and people who had it now will have some immunity against it. SWINE FLU WILL MUTATE, PREPARE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM BY GETTING THE HARMLESS SWINE FLU THATS OUT THERE RIGHT NOW.
you have been warned.


DUDE! said...

lol thats a DUMB idea.... y would u wanna go through that? u can die fyi! just saying! yeah.... i wouldnt do that....

melissa said...

That's false information.

Brendan C said...

Like you said, the swine flu will mutate - meaning that any defences you built up from your first interaction with it would be ill effective against it.

lunarlor said...

That is a good theory. Yes H1N1 (swine flu) will come back stronger in the winter season. If your body has been exposed to H1N1 already then it will build up an immune to it. It is a good idea to spread the word about this.

Jack J said...

only 40 cases in america have had it. only one death and that was a 2 Mexican right off the bus. if the swine flu sticks around it will be no match against Americas health care. ist the flu not cancer. if humans can cure small pox i think a simple flu is nothing to worry about. and if it dose mutate that means ur body isn't good against the new stuff might want to rethink that. they tried doing that with small pox they lost more then they saved.

Candace said...

Well, that goes with any kind of flu, this swine flu is the same as any other type of flu. You and I both have the chance of getting the flu if we our immune systems are down, and/or we come in contact with the flu. That's why it's important to get your flu shot every year, I'm sure they will add this virus to this year vaccine. Just make sure that you are eating healthy and exercising and you will be just fine.

Linda Marcus said...

This virus was called swine flu because many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. However, latest study has shown that this new virus (influenza A H1N1) has avian genes, human genes and two genes from flu viruses that usually occur in pigs in Europe and Asia. Scientists call this a “quadruple reassortant” virus.
Regular flu kills 36,000 people a year in the United States and estimated 375,000 worldwide, About 90 percent of those deaths are among people older than 65 who already have health problems and cause their underlying disease to decompensate and then they don't have the reserves to fight the regular virus. Peoples are worried about the new swine flu outbreak because many of those who died in Mexico have been young and otherwise healthy individual.

cool b said...

I think the best way to get the swine flu, is to take the mandatory vaccinations that they say they will soon be forcing on us. Don't take them. Swine flu is a manufactured virus to bring in their one world government. For more information go to

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