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Are you afraid for yourself or your children / babies? Check out the CDC website:
It's gives you all the information you need to be informed and not let yourself be scared by the media :)
Here is just a small paragraph from that website:
How serious is swine flu infection?
Like seasonal flu, swine flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Between 2005 until January 2009, 12 human cases of swine flu were detected in the U.S. with no deaths occurring.


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ liz~ said...

yes it is like the regular flu.....but its a mutated flu, that is why the regular flu shot will not protect you from it.
"Flu deaths are nothing new in the United States or elsewhere. The CDC estimates that about 36,000 people died of flu-related causes each year, on average, during the 1990s in the United States.
But the new flu strain is a combination of pig, bird and human viruses for which humans may have no natural immunity."
" Q. Why is this spread troubling?
A. Scientists are concerned whenever a new virus is able to jump from an animal to a person -- and then spread from person to person. When the flu spreads person to person, it can continue to mutate, making it harder to treat or fight off.
The World Health Organization has said the current outbreak has "pandemic potential," and has urged governments to take precautions to prevent its spread. If the virus continues to mutate, drug makers won't be able to come up with vaccines fast enough.
Q. But doesn't the common flu kill more people?
A. Yes, common seasonal flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide every year. But what worries officials is that a new strain of the flu virus can spread fast because people do not have natural immunity and vaccines can take months to develop.
-world health organization
so, it is a bit different from the common flu.

I love my angels said...

its for our children safe

sheesh youre all nuts said...


Hannah's mommy said...

Media overhype right is driving me NUTS!

Deliciously N said...

Thank you...I'm sick to death of it

Chloe said...

Honestly, it does scare me. My Mom who is an
RN said that if they don't catch it within the first 12 hours that you have symptoms it is likely that you will die. It makes me want to keep my son home from Kindergarten.

(: Manda :) said...

I'm so sick of hearing about it! This lady at the pediatricians office wanted her grandson to get a flu shot before going on a flight to help protect him from Swine Flu. She was pissed when the pediatrician told her that the flu shot would not protect him.

☠ Bunky ☠ said...

Okay so in a 4 year period there where 12 cases and no deaths. Now in less than a month it has spread this far! 3 Children in my kids school district have it. If that doesn't give me a right in your opinion to worry then whatever!

~Aislings Mum~ ♥09.25.08♥ said...

Thank you for saying something!! Everywhere I go it's swine flu this swine flu that. The media is hyping this up way to much and getting people way to paranoid.
From what I heard, it's mostly in Mexico and barely even reached the States yet and still people in my town way up in Canada are fretting over whether their families are going to get it. If I were in Mexico, I would understand the panic about it but come on, I'm in Canada here and it seems like every other conversation is about the swine flu!
If it manages to make it's way to Canada, I might consider starting to worry. Until then though, I see no reason to worry.

Outdoor Security Cameras said...

I'm not worried-Yet. Especially because the virus seems to be killing young, healthy adults as opposed to the elderly and young children, as viruses typically do.
However, your quote is not helping your point. "Between 2005 until January 200912 human cases of swine flu were detected in the U.S. with no deaths occurring." Over 100 cases have been CONFIRMED worldwide in the past week, which clearly means this outbreak is not typical. There are hundreds of other cases suspected that will never be confirmed-The CDC feels it would be a waste of their resources to confirm every single case. If you're suggesting swine flu is common, you are wrong. Not to mention, the current strain of "swine flu" has been previously undetected in humans.
I encourage everyone, please do your research. Read all press releases and check the CDC's website often. It is your duty to be informed. Do not panic, and remember you cannot accurately interpret what is being said or implied by world health officials.
My friend said it best-The US media is bored and has nothing better to do, since they wouldn't dare criticize president Obama. So they have to blow this thing out of proportion.

Mommy of 5 said...

Thank you for the information - I would rather be informed than frightened. I never thought to check the CDC's website.
Edit: Just a note - also from the CDC website:
The human swine flu outbreak continues to grow in the United States and internationally. Today, CDC reports additional cases of confirmed swine influenza and a number of hospitalizations of swine flu patients. Internationally, the situation is more serious too, with additional countries reporting confirmed cases of swine flu. In response to the intensifying outbreak, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 4External Web Site Policy.. A Phase 4 alert is characterized by confirmed person-to-person spread of a new influenza virus able to cause “community-level” outbreaks.” The increase in the pandemic alert phase indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic has increased.
This is a rapidly evolving situation and CDC will provide updated guidance and new information as it becomes available.

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