Blog Archive
- How Deadly Is The Swine Flu Pandemic?
- Has The Who Announced A Pandemic Of Swine Flu?
- During This Flu Pandemic Should I Avoid Public Tra...
- Why Did The Media Completely Blow Out Of Proportio...
- What Would Happen If The Swine Flu Reaches A Level 6?
- What Have You Been Doing To Prepare For A Pandemic?
- How Can I Cash In On The Swine Flu Epidemic?
- Will Jerry Lewis Be Responsible For The Upcoming S...
- What Did Not The Usa Do During The 1918 Spanish Fl...
- Do You Think That The Avian Flu Will Turn Into A P...
- Should I Go To The Doctor For Treatment Of Mild Sw...
- Does Anyone Have A Plan In The Event Of A Pandemic?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- If Joy Is Contagious, Then How Does One Start A Pa...
- What Do I Do If I Have A Really Good Chance At Get...
- Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico Stirs Fears Of A Pand...
- How Long Are You Contagious When You Have Swine Flu?
- Why Would The Media Make Up A Swine Flu Pandemic?
- How Can We Effective Address The Hiv/aids Pandemic...
- Why Do People Die From The Swine Flu?
- What Are Some Precautionary Measures We Can Do To ...
- What Is The Difference Between Epidemic And Pandemic?
- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- How Do We Stop The Mexican Government From Shootin...
- Is It True That The Ust Amv College Of Accountancy...
- What Is The Difference Between Endemic And Pandemic?
- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- Should The United States Close It's Border With Me...
- Can The Swine Flu Exist At International Airports?
- What Are Some Good Tips On Winning The Game "pande...
- Could Government Compensation Help Prevent An Avia...
- Will You Allow Your Children To Be Inoculated From...
- Is President Barack Obama To Blame For The Swine F...
- What Do You Think Of Newzealand Forcing Qaurintine...
- What Is The Difference Between Pandemic And Epidemic?
- Is This The Result Of Pandemic Complacency And Apa...
- What's Your Reaction On The Church's Response To I...
- Is It True That The Swine Flu Is Only Deadly To Th...
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- What Australian City Is Destroy All Humans 2 Devel...
- Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs...
- How Many Cases Does It Need To Make A Pandemic?
- Do You Think That Our Federal, State And Local Gov...
- How Do They Test You For The Swine Flu?
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- Do You Think That The H5n1 Virus (also Known As Bi...
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- Should I Go On My Spain Trip With The Swine Flu Pa...
- Are You Concerned About A Swine Flu Pandemic?
- How Can A Virus Such As The Swine Flu Just All Of ...
- What's Your Opinion On The Swine Flu Outbreak/pand...
- Whats Your Opinion On The Swine Flu? Scared Or Do ...
- Can H1n1 Survive In Hot Places?
- What's Your Opinion On The Swine Flu Outbreak/pand...
- " Swine Flu " Is This The New Disease That Is Goin...
- Who To Benefit From Pamdemic Of Swineflu/h1n1 Situ...
- Will The Swine Flu Become A Global Pandemic?
- What's Your Reaction On The Church's Response To I...
- Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs...
- Why Did George Bush Sign The Treaty To Hand Over P...
- Could The Swine Flu Be A Coincidence To?
- Eating Raw Foods While There Is An H1n1 Outbreak.?
- What Is The Difference Between A "pandemic" And An...
- How Long After Contracting It Do The Symptoms Of S...
- Why Is There A Push To Change The Name Of The Curr...
- Will The Swine Virus Reach A Pandemic Status?
- I Have Cough, Does This Mean I Might Have A(h1n1) ...
- In Order To Protect My Family, Exactly What Can I ...
- Is It Save To Go To Nyc With The Swine Flu Situati...
- How Do Experts Predict The Mortality Rate Of A Fut...
- What Is The Swine Flu? Where Is The Most Infected ...
- Are Any Of You Worried About The Swine Flu Pandemic?
- Why Was It Switched From Swine Flu To H1n1?
- How Long Will It Take Chi Guy To Blame Bush For Th...
- Do You Think The Will Be A Big Pandemic In The Nex...
- Wasn't Swine Flu Easier To Say Than H1n1 Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding The Current Situati...
- If You Get Swine Flu Now, Will You Be Immune To Po...
- I Want An H1n1 Virus, How To You Get One?
- Egyptoans:what Do U Think Of Wearing Mask For Avoi...
- Is There Enough Cases Of The Swine Flu To Even Be ...
- Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Ag...
- Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Ag...
- When Will The Who Go To Phase 6 Of The Pandemic?
- What Are The Symptoms Of The Swine Flu Or H1n1????
- Is The Government Creating This Pandemic On Purpos...
- Who Is The Celebrity Who Got Infected By Virus H1n1?
- What Is This Swine Flu Pandemic About?
- Do You Think That All The Talk Over A Bird Flu Pan...
- How Long Does It Take For Swine Flu Symptoms To Ap...
- Tax Conspiracy Theory, Is This The Most Widespread...
- Did The Mexican Drug Cartel Wars End Or Did Swine ...
- Im Doing A Report On The Possibility Of An Avian(b...
- Can You Pass Swine Flu Before Symptoms Are Present?
- If The Swine Flu Becomes A Pandemic As Predicted?
- Is My Child At Risk Of Swine Flu If We Have Spent ...
How Deadly Is The Swine Flu Pandemic?
7:15 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I live in Australia and the Swine Flu is apparently yet to arrive here and I would like to know how threatening it is to your life if you do not seek medical attention? Also, If your a healthy person, is it possible for your body to be able to successfully fight off the Swine Flu should it infect you? Are there cures or drugs available to fight off or make you immune to the Swine Flu?
Has The Who Announced A Pandemic Of Swine Flu?
1:03 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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are the borders for all countries going to be closed? and if you don't know yet...when will we be able to find out?
Thank you
and id greatly appreciate it if u answer as soon as possible. this is kind of important.
Thank you
and id greatly appreciate it if u answer as soon as possible. this is kind of important.
During This Flu Pandemic Should I Avoid Public Transportation Until
This Is Over?
7:38 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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you know how it is people are close together on a bus. Easier to catch something.
Why Did The Media Completely Blow Out Of Proportion The Swine Flu
1:15 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Its one thing having people in Mexico to die, because they dont' have the healthcare we have, and the only person that died from it in the US was a baby....from Mexico!
Anyway, why did they scare everybody, when absoulutely nothing happened?
Anyway, why did they scare everybody, when absoulutely nothing happened?
What Would Happen If The Swine Flu Reaches A Level 6?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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If I work at a in patient (meaning that people live there) residential treatment center for people recovering from drugs and alcohol and the swine flu goes to a level 6, will I be allowed to stay home from work? And if so, would the residents of the center be allowed to go home to their families or would they have to quarantine here at the center. Thank you in advance for your answers
What Have You Been Doing To Prepare For A Pandemic?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I havent done anything yet. But I need to start stocking up on canned food and bottled water.
Do you even think a pandemic will happen in our lifetime?
Do you even think a pandemic will happen in our lifetime?
How Can I Cash In On The Swine Flu Epidemic?
1:56 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I need to make some easy cash so I figured maybe I can do some swine flu resistant Feng Shui or Flu repelling Rizzla papers. I bet there's some crusty Hippy out there claiming that Ganga is the most effective remedy and charging £150 a quarter for a bag of stinging nettles.
Will Jerry Lewis Be Responsible For The Upcoming Swine Flu Zombie
7:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Jerry Lewis has been running his Muscular Dystrophy telethon for many years, making millions and millions of dollars for research.
Scientists use that money toward research into cell reanimation and building new tissue, etc.
Their vaccine gets out, and combined with the deaths of the swine flu, ends up reanimating the dead.
It's a vicious circle, and we need to get our shotguns and chainsaws ready!
Jerry Lewis started this mess. The french made him ultra famous, your 10 dollars just made this a very uncomfortable place to live.
Scientists use that money toward research into cell reanimation and building new tissue, etc.
Their vaccine gets out, and combined with the deaths of the swine flu, ends up reanimating the dead.
It's a vicious circle, and we need to get our shotguns and chainsaws ready!
Jerry Lewis started this mess. The french made him ultra famous, your 10 dollars just made this a very uncomfortable place to live.
Swine Flu,
What Did Not The Usa Do During The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic? How Has
The Usa Learned From The Past?
7:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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To start with the USA has never and never will learn from the past, it's too paranoid. As far as the flu of 1918 they did what all countries did, dropped dead in their thousands.
Should I Go To The Doctor For Treatment Of Mild Swine Flu?
1:29 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I started getting sick on Monday and began having flu like symptoms the fever, chills, body aches. I went online to tonight to see if it was swine or regular flu. On a couple of websites they all say that nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may be more common with this swine flu than with the regular flu. And the diarrhea is what I have. I have been taking medicine and drinking orange all the good stuff but should I take a trip to the doctor just to make sure?
Does Anyone Have A Plan In The Event Of A Pandemic?
1:29 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I just want to know if anyone else is getting ready in the event of a worst case scenario.
What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
7:25 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Give me some ideas for my drawing
What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
7:25 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Give me some ideas for my drawing
What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
7:25 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Give me some ideas for my drawing
If Joy Is Contagious, Then How Does One Start A Pandemic?
7:25 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Through unconditional love and acts of altruistic kindness :)
I like your way of thinking! Count me in. LOVE and light to you my friend :)
I like your way of thinking! Count me in. LOVE and light to you my friend :)
What Do I Do If I Have A Really Good Chance At Getting The Swine Flu?
12:57 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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My girlfriend came back from Mexico about 2 weeks ago while the high school kids, who came back with the swine flu and are causing more to be sick, were there. My girlfriend now has all the symptoms, including a 101.5f fever. I have been with her a lot since she came back.
Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico Stirs Fears Of A Pandemic And Leads To
Efforts To Contain The Outbreak.?
12:56 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Do you think preventing people from crossing the border with Mexico illegally might help? Where's that border fence congress promised us a couple of years ago? How come with hundreds of billions in federal "stimulus" money being spent, the Dems didn't want to spend any money to build the fence?
How Long Are You Contagious When You Have Swine Flu?
6:57 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I went to the doctor yesterday after being really sick. I have been diagnosed with swine flu. The doctor said I am out of work for the remainder of the week. How long am I contagious for?
Why Would The Media Make Up A Swine Flu Pandemic?
6:56 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Someone said this and I was wondering why.
How Can We Effective Address The Hiv/aids Pandemic Within The African
And Caribbean Communities?
1:18 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I am presently working with teh African and Caribbean communities within Toronto to address the issues surronding HIV/AIDS infecting. I am a social worker, working with youths and is seeking your advise.
Swine Flu,
Why Do People Die From The Swine Flu?
6:57 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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How is the Swine Flu any different form the normal flu? Also, what makes people die from it?
What Are Some Precautionary Measures We Can Do To Avoid A(h1n1)?
6:57 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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As with any virus. wash your hands constantly. do not touch your face especially the eyes and nose and mouth.
When in public places use a tissue to open a door or close a door. Santize keyboards and phones daily before starting work.
When eating out, touch a common thing like salt shaker, use a tissue so your hands remain clean.
Teach children to do the same and be aware of those that visit your home.
Its all about not getting the virus into your mouth by eating foods that are hand eaten, and not touching nose or eyes.
Even leaving the restroom, use a tissue to turn the water off after you wash your hands and use that same tissue to open the door to leave, as many hospitals do.
When in public places use a tissue to open a door or close a door. Santize keyboards and phones daily before starting work.
When eating out, touch a common thing like salt shaker, use a tissue so your hands remain clean.
Teach children to do the same and be aware of those that visit your home.
Its all about not getting the virus into your mouth by eating foods that are hand eaten, and not touching nose or eyes.
Even leaving the restroom, use a tissue to turn the water off after you wash your hands and use that same tissue to open the door to leave, as many hospitals do.
What Is The Difference Between Epidemic And Pandemic?
1:21 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely in a given population.
Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the populations.
An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely in a given population.
Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the populations.
Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Tell The American
Public To Declare Swine Flu A Pandemic?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'm somewhat concerned about the possible spred of swine flu in the U.S. Will President Obama's teleprompter tell him to say that the country needs to proclaim this a pandemic?
Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Tell The American
Public To Declare Swine Flu A Pandemic?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'm somewhat concerned about the possible spred of swine flu in the U.S. Will President Obama's teleprompter tell him to say that the country needs to proclaim this a pandemic?
Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Tell The American
Public To Declare Swine Flu A Pandemic?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'm somewhat concerned about the possible spred of swine flu in the U.S. Will President Obama's teleprompter tell him to say that the country needs to proclaim this a pandemic?
How Do We Stop The Mexican Government From Shooting On Site Those
Suspected Of Having The Swine Flu?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I just seen on television and got a report that the government has been authorized to shoot, on site, any of those suspected of having the swine flu. Police are awaiting at local hospitals and showing up in ambulances to calls of those suspected of having this flu and upon diagnosis, shooting those infected in an effort to contain the disease. How soon will our government begin doing the same? What started this outbreak? Did a tourist do something to or with a pig? How scared should we be?
Is It True That The Ust Amv College Of Accountancy Is Suspended Until
The 29th Because Of The A(h1n1)?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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my classmate told me this, but i am really not sure because i haven't heard it on the news... please tell me, i'm starting to worry that i am going to be absent for one week!
What Is The Difference Between Endemic And Pandemic?
7:07 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Endemic means 'confined to a particular area'
Pandemic means 'spread over all areas'
Pandemic means 'spread over all areas'
Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Tell The American
Public To Declare Swine Flu A Pandemic?
1:03 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'm somewhat concerned about the possible spred of swine flu in the U.S. Will President Obama's teleprompter tell him to say that the country needs to proclaim this a pandemic?
Should The United States Close It's Border With Mexico Due To Growing
Potential Of A Swine Flu Pandemic?
1:02 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Should we close the US-Mexican border to keep safe from this outbreak?
Can The Swine Flu Exist At International Airports?
7:00 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'll be traveling soon to California and well...we're all very scared of the swine flu. So I was thinking; can the swine flu exist at international airports? Should we be wearing the masks? I was thinking about going to Disneyland (Southern part of California) and I'm really confused as to whether we should still go! Please share your thoughts and feelings!
What Are Some Good Tips On Winning The Game "pandemic 2"?
7:00 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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This is the link to the game:
It's pretty addictive, and I like it a lot.
But I've just had problems on killing off the whole world, any tips on doing so?
Such as, what's the best disease class, and symptoms?
Many thanks in advance.
It's pretty addictive, and I like it a lot.
But I've just had problems on killing off the whole world, any tips on doing so?
Such as, what's the best disease class, and symptoms?
Many thanks in advance.
Could Government Compensation Help Prevent An Avian Influenza Pandemic?
1:02 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I know it's an odd phrase, but let's observe. A large majority of people are afraid that avian influenza (Bird Flu) will develop the gene that enables it to spread from human to human and become the next pandemic. A lot of diseases begin in animals, I know that HIV and SARS started in animals, plus there's Monkey Pox, West Nile, Mad Cow, etc. Here's how I picture it, say in this third world country, the government sends someone to a farm to inspect the chickens. They then say, "Hey, we have to kill this many of your chickens to prevent an outbreak." So they slaughter the chickens and move on to the next poor farm. Offering no compensation for their killings. Third world farmers probably care most about having enough money for food, to support their families, etc. So the best thing they can do in this situation is tell other farmers they know "Hey hide your sick chickens!" So, could government compensation possibly help? Please tell me what you'd do if you had governmental power.
Swine Flu
Will You Allow Your Children To Be Inoculated From The Swine Flu As
Obama Dictates?
7:12 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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It appears President Obama will make it law that you must inoculate your children in the fall from getting the swine flu..He plans on lining them up for injections as they did in the 50s .Are you willing to accept this?
Is President Barack Obama To Blame For The Swine Flu Pandemic?
7:12 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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People said that pigs would fly when the USA elected a black president.
Think about it.
Think about it.
What Do You Think Of Newzealand Forcing Qaurintine For Suspected Swine
Flu Cases?
1:22 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I was just watching the news, and there putting suspected swine flu cases into quarintine as they come in through the airports.
Also other suspected cases of NZ citezins are being forced into home qaurintine and are not allowed to leave their houses.
Is this legal to force them into qaurintine?
Also other suspected cases of NZ citezins are being forced into home qaurintine and are not allowed to leave their houses.
Is this legal to force them into qaurintine?
Swine Flu,
What Is The Difference Between Pandemic And Epidemic?
1:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Pandemic is the new "in" word of government and media to combine PANic and epiDEMIC.HIV is still only referred to as epidemic if anyone can be ar$ed to mention it!
Is This The Result Of Pandemic Complacency And Apathy As Well As Broken
6:59 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Check this site out to see what is happening in Burma.
People try to blame, complain and ignore in regards to issues like the genocidal events occurring in Burma but are we all not to blame? Do we not allow things like this to happen?
People try to blame, complain and ignore in regards to issues like the genocidal events occurring in Burma but are we all not to blame? Do we not allow things like this to happen?
Swine Flu,
What's Your Reaction On The Church's Response To Influenza A H1n1?
12:58 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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like not holding hands during Ama Namin (Our Father) and avoiding shaking hands as much as possible..
Is It True That The Swine Flu Is Only Deadly To Those With Weak Immune
7:14 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I read that the most reported deaths as a result of the swine flu have occurred in people with either severe long-term diseases or impaired immune systems although there is always risk of anyone becoming infected. So does this mean that swine flu is fatal to the elderly and to young children?
Apparently, there have been 141 deaths out of 27,737 cases.
Apparently, there have been 141 deaths out of 27,737 cases.
What Australian City Is Destroy All Humans 2 Developer Pandemic Located
7:14 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Pandemic is located in Brisbane
Swine Flu,
Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs So What's Next?
7:00 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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It now appears that Influenza A (H1N1) can now be passed from humans to pigs - as apparently has happened in Canada. There are a few reports around that point to Bird Flu (H5N1) infecting pig populations without causing the pigs to exhibit any obvious symptoms.
I'm wondering two things here: 1. Has influenza passed from Humans to Pigs easily in the past and 2. What are the chances of the new influenza A (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) combining in a pig and creating something new?
I'm wondering two things here: 1. Has influenza passed from Humans to Pigs easily in the past and 2. What are the chances of the new influenza A (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) combining in a pig and creating something new?
How Many Cases Does It Need To Make A Pandemic?
6:59 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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it is very sad that more than 100 people died in mexico from swine flu, and there have been confirmed cases in other countries. but is it really a pandemic? 100 out off 109,000,000. is unfortunate, but a pandemic ? is media hype overdoing it ?
Do You Think That Our Federal, State And Local Governments Are Ready
For A Flu Pandemic?
1:10 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Do you think our federal government, state governments and local governments are ready for a flu pandemic? Are they doing the things they could be doing to protect us? (Think about Katrina.)
How Do They Test You For The Swine Flu?
3:11 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I'm going to the doctor tomorrow because I've been real sick lately and I'm just wondering, (if the doctor tests me for swine flu), how do they test you? I think I may have it and I'm having a lot of difficulty breathing.
By the way, can I still smoke cigarettes while on my antibiotic that he prescribes?
By the way, can I still smoke cigarettes while on my antibiotic that he prescribes?
Do You Think That The H5n1 Virus (also Known As Bird Flu) Will Ever
Become A Serious Problem Or Go Pandemic?
7:17 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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The number of cases and deaths continues to rise very slowly. But it never became the threat that we thought it might become a couple of years ago.
Do you think that this situation will transform into a real major threat or global pandemic?
Do you think that this situation will transform into a real major threat or global pandemic?
Are You Concerned About A Swine Flu Pandemic?
7:23 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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do you think its a bit hyped up? is it a real concern? do you have any plans in place for a pandemic? or maybe you know someone who has swine flue?
How Can A Virus Such As The Swine Flu Just All Of The Sudden Appear?
1:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I dont understand how a virus can just magically appear like the swine flu?? maybe the government just made it up and put it out in the just doesnt add up.
What's Your Opinion On The Swine Flu Outbreak/pandemic?
1:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Where do you think its come from? (I know its from Mexico though!)
Do you think its the end of the world?
Do you think its serious,like the Great Plague,and we'll have a world fire next year?
Or do you think its like bird flu,where its just the media taking stories and calling them pandemics?
How long do you think the pandemic will last?
Do you think its the end of the world?
Do you think its serious,like the Great Plague,and we'll have a world fire next year?
Or do you think its like bird flu,where its just the media taking stories and calling them pandemics?
How long do you think the pandemic will last?
Whats Your Opinion On The Swine Flu? Scared Or Do You Think It Is Just
Another Flu?
7:35 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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So whats everyone think about this swine flu. Is it something to be scared of or just nothing?
Can H1n1 Survive In Hot Places?
7:35 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I Just Came Back from america to the philippines the day before the h1n1 hit the news. And i am so worried because there was a little girl that came from the US and has the h1n1 virus. Is it possible to spread here? can it live in hot places. cause they said the virus that can be found in pork chops, etc. dies in hot temperatures. and its very hot here in the philippines.
please answer my question seriously. thanks guys
please answer my question seriously. thanks guys
What's Your Opinion On The Swine Flu Outbreak/pandemic?
7:35 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Where do you think its come from? (I know its from Mexico though!)
Do you think its the end of the world?
Do you think its serious,like the Great Plague,and we'll have a world fire next year?
Or do you think its like bird flu,where its just the media taking stories and calling them pandemics?
How long do you think the pandemic will last?
Do you think its the end of the world?
Do you think its serious,like the Great Plague,and we'll have a world fire next year?
Or do you think its like bird flu,where its just the media taking stories and calling them pandemics?
How long do you think the pandemic will last?
" Swine Flu " Is This The New Disease That Is Going To Turn Into A
Pandemic And Wipe Out Humanity Forever?
1:18 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Should i head up into the hills? Would i be safe up there from infected plague carriers in the mountains?
Who To Benefit From Pamdemic Of Swineflu/h1n1 Situation? Why Need To Go
To Level 6?
7:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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the government. if it reaches level 6, anyone who has swine flu will not be admitted to a hospital unless it's the most severe. hahaha. die!!!
Will The Swine Flu Become A Global Pandemic?
7:04 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Will it continue to grow and get out of control? Or will we manage to isolate it and bring it to a halt?
What's Your Reaction On The Church's Response To Influenza A H1n1?
1:13 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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like not holding hands during Ama Namin (Our Father) and avoiding shaking hands as much as possible..
Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs So What's Next?
9:36 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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It now appears that Influenza A (H1N1) can now be passed from humans to pigs - as apparently has happened in Canada. There are a few reports around that point to Bird Flu (H5N1) infecting pig populations without causing the pigs to exhibit any obvious symptoms.
I'm wondering two things here: 1. Has influenza passed from Humans to Pigs easily in the past and 2. What are the chances of the new influenza A (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) combining in a pig and creating something new?
I'm wondering two things here: 1. Has influenza passed from Humans to Pigs easily in the past and 2. What are the chances of the new influenza A (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) combining in a pig and creating something new?
Why Did George Bush Sign The Treaty To Hand Over Powers To The Un If
Bird Flu Becomes Pandemic?
9:36 PM | Posted by
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What exactly was his reasoning? Do you think there is now any chance for a widespread 9-11 type "accident" with labwork pathogens?
Could The Swine Flu Be A Coincidence To?
1:37 PM | Posted by
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Could the swine flu be a coincidence to the bird flu, all the salmonella poisoning and food recalls? Like it's some sort of terroist attack on the U.S.?
This is just a opinion and like to know if anyone else feels the same.
Also, should we really be that scared? I know I would if I had traveled to Mexico, but what about all the other viruses out there or the diseases and pollution we are exposed to on a daily basis! Or, how we risk our lives everytime we go behind the wheel of our vehicles everyday. I am not all that concerned.
This is just a opinion and like to know if anyone else feels the same.
Also, should we really be that scared? I know I would if I had traveled to Mexico, but what about all the other viruses out there or the diseases and pollution we are exposed to on a daily basis! Or, how we risk our lives everytime we go behind the wheel of our vehicles everyday. I am not all that concerned.
Eating Raw Foods While There Is An H1n1 Outbreak.?
1:37 PM | Posted by
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hi everyone i would just like to know if it possible to eat raw foods such as sushi, maki and sashimi because i've heard that its not good as there is ans H1N1 outbreak right now? even if we're eating in the near the mddle east, in southern asia?
What Is The Difference Between A "pandemic" And An "epidemic" ?
7:49 AM | Posted by
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I am trying to research the new Swine flu outbreak possible global infection. :(
How Long After Contracting It Do The Symptoms Of Swine Flu Begin To
1:34 AM | Posted by
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Just wondering....
btw i told myself i wouldn't eat out until this whole swine flu mess was over. Then i went and got chinese food b/c i'm such a pig and this whole mess is never gonna go away! Now i feel a little worried lol...
so does anyone know the answer to the question?
btw i told myself i wouldn't eat out until this whole swine flu mess was over. Then i went and got chinese food b/c i'm such a pig and this whole mess is never gonna go away! Now i feel a little worried lol...
so does anyone know the answer to the question?
Why Is There A Push To Change The Name Of The Current Outbreak Of Swine
Flu To Influenza A Virus H1n1?
1:34 AM | Posted by
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from what i have read the current "swine flu" is a mixture of human ,avian and two types of swine flu. so if it is in fact part swine shouldn't the name still stick? i know the pig farmers where in a uproar because it might hurt their bottom dollar but isn't the current epidemic a little more important than their wallets or is the government pushing a change of the name so as not to worry people ?
Will The Swine Virus Reach A Pandemic Status?
1:34 AM | Posted by
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Will we even be hearing any more of it come next week?
In Order To Protect My Family, Exactly What Can I Do To Prepare Us For
The Bird Flu Pandemic In North America?
7:07 PM | Posted by
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What supplies should we have? And how much for a family of 10? Should we be prepared to quarantine ourselves for at least 3 to 6 months once the Avian Flu is in our area of the US? If most of the normal daily functions in our society are interrupted, won't this cause the people who didn't prepare themselves to act out in abnormal ways, such as threatening others and stealing when they run out of what little food and medicine, etc. they had in their homes? And with police and other law enforcement agencies looking out for their own families and quarantining themselves, too, won't we have to be in a position to protect ourselves and our families from those that could try to do us harm because they are desparate to provide for their own families?
Is It Save To Go To Nyc With The Swine Flu Situation Over There?
6:58 AM | Posted by
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This end May we are traveling to NYC with a 2 year old toddler. We have everything booked. Is it save to go there for vacation right now with all the Swine Flu situation there? We are so looking forward for this vacation, we are coming from Aruba.
How Do Experts Predict The Mortality Rate Of A Future Flu Pandemic?
6:57 AM | Posted by
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I am looking for what information experts gather to predict so and if they use certain methods.
What Is The Swine Flu? Where Is The Most Infected Places?
7:22 PM | Posted by
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I heard something about a swine flu on yahoo. I noticed in the pictures people kept wearing masks. I read the news but I still don't know what it is! Where is it infecting the most now?
Are Any Of You Worried About The Swine Flu Pandemic?
1:19 AM | Posted by
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It seems kind of scary knowing that the US is one of the countries infected.
Why Was It Switched From Swine Flu To H1n1?
7:45 PM | Posted by
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H1N1 is just the strain of flu it is. it's still called swine flu, H1N1 is scientific, you don't need to know it.
How Long Will It Take Chi Guy To Blame Bush For The Swine Flu Pandemic?
7:45 PM | Posted by
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I am sure chi boy will have something to say soon-real soon. Well, it didn’t take long for partisan Democrats to blame the swine flu outbreak on the Republican Party.
Here’s the line: Since House Republicans all opposed the trillion-dollar-porkulus, which included funding for pandemic preparations, it’s all Bush's Fault. o_O
No, really:
Here’s the line: Since House Republicans all opposed the trillion-dollar-porkulus, which included funding for pandemic preparations, it’s all Bush's Fault. o_O
No, really:
Do You Think The Will Be A Big Pandemic In The Next 20 Years?
1:09 PM | Posted by
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When I mean big, I mean death to 1/3 of the population big. Do you think it would be natural, or biological warfare?
Wasn't Swine Flu Easier To Say Than H1n1 Virus?
7:13 AM | Posted by
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LOL yes. But they dont want the pig industry to suffer.
for symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Swine flu:
for symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Swine flu:
What Is Your Opinion Regarding The Current Situation Regarding The
World Pandemic Of Hiv/aids?
1:03 AM | Posted by
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I welcome answers in the affirmative as well as negative. I am doing a project and therefore wish the same. I would highly appreciate answers from those unfortunate to have contracted the illness.
If You Get Swine Flu Now, Will You Be Immune To Potentially More
Dangerous Strains Later?
7:09 PM | Posted by
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I've heard that if you get infected with the more mild swine flu now, when it mutates and becomes a really dangerous disease, you'll be immune. Is that true?
I Want An H1n1 Virus, How To You Get One?
1:19 PM | Posted by
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I want to be infected and spread it to my friends.
Egyptoans:what Do U Think Of Wearing Mask For Avoiding Virus H1n1?
8:18 AM | Posted by
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i go to college by metro
7alena fe el metro byb2a bo2ena fe boo2 ba3ed
so what do u think of wearing a mask when i go to college only when i am in metro
since there maybe ppl in egypt got infected with these desease
7alena fe el metro byb2a bo2ena fe boo2 ba3ed
so what do u think of wearing a mask when i go to college only when i am in metro
since there maybe ppl in egypt got infected with these desease
Is There Enough Cases Of The Swine Flu To Even Be Concerned About It?
Is It Really A Pandemic Or A Crisis?
8:18 AM | Posted by
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All the rage lately is about how we are all going to die from the swine flu. I am not concerned. Should i be?
Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Against H1n1?
7:10 PM | Posted by
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Focus on the antigenic makeup of the strain use
Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Against H1n1?
7:10 PM | Posted by
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Focus on the antigenic makeup of the strain use
Swine Flu
When Will The Who Go To Phase 6 Of The Pandemic?
7:09 PM | Posted by
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I say late Friday or early Saturday. I think that is when someone outside of North America who hasn't been to Mexico gets the H1N1.
What Are The Symptoms Of The Swine Flu Or H1n1????
1:39 PM | Posted by
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its just like regular flu only that less than 100 people die of swine flu in the time where regular flu kills thousandS so dont worry about it and its all just a scare for mass vacination so whatever you do dont get vaccinated because it is proven and documented that it only spreads the virus
Is The Government Creating This Pandemic On Purpose To Advance Their
Universal Health Care Agenda?
1:39 PM | Posted by
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NO, but they won't hesitate to use a good crisis to shove through their agenda without debate.
Who Is The Celebrity Who Got Infected By Virus H1n1?
7:27 AM | Posted by
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They thought that Tulisa, the girl from N-Dubz had it after she fainted on stage during a performance. She was kept in quarantine etc... However, when they tested her for swine flu, results came back negative, so its all good! xD
What Is This Swine Flu Pandemic About?
7:27 AM | Posted by
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I haven't seen the news for days but just started seeing it everywhere online. What is it? Is it serious?
Do You Think That All The Talk Over A Bird Flu Pandemic Was Baseless
5:12 AM | Posted by
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Or do you believe that an Avian Flu pandemic is still a strong possibility for the near future?
How Long Does It Take For Swine Flu Symptoms To Appear?
8:46 PM | Posted by
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I went to New York City on Saturday and just now heard about the swine flu. I'm a little concerned so if anyone could tell me how long it takes for symptoms to appear and any additional info would be great.
Tax Conspiracy Theory, Is This The Most Widespread Pandemic In The
Anglosaxon World?
8:10 PM | Posted by
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How do all these people think their roads, hospitals, schools, police, army are financed?
Swine Flu,
Did The Mexican Drug Cartel Wars End Or Did Swine Flu Just Replace It
In The News?
2:14 PM | Posted by
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Mexican drug cartels were apparently having a war and it was crossing into the US . Accusations of Mexican drug cartels infiltration into the US was in the papers and law officials were complaining etc etc
So did that all get sorted out ?
Or has that story just been pushed aside for Swine flu and if so how are those drug wars going and what about the mob infiltrations etc etc ?
So did that all get sorted out ?
Or has that story just been pushed aside for Swine flu and if so how are those drug wars going and what about the mob infiltrations etc etc ?
Im Doing A Report On The Possibility Of An Avian(bird) Flu Pandemic. Do
You Think Americans Should Be Worried?
2:14 PM | Posted by
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I need to know the opinions of average Americans, I feel as though the government is making a big deal out of nothing.
Can You Pass Swine Flu Before Symptoms Are Present?
8:40 AM | Posted by
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Do symptoms show right away for swine flu? And can you get it from somebody who isn't showing symptoms yet? My boyfriend is a server/bartender and we have a 6 month old baby girl, so I guess I'm a little worried about that. Thanx!
If The Swine Flu Becomes A Pandemic As Predicted?
8:40 AM | Posted by
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How important will the fact be that millions of people do not have medical insurance?
Is My Child At Risk Of Swine Flu If We Have Spent Time With Someone
Visiting From Mexico?
7:00 PM | Posted by
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We spent Saturday 9th May with my sister-in-law that lives in Mexico. She arrived around the 28th April from cancun to the uk. She has no signs of being ill and was given the all clear from the airport when she arrived here. My son is 10 months old and has been a little under the weather since we returned from Egypt on Monday 4th May. This afternoon he has devoloped a slight temperate, runny nose and phlegmy cough. Is he at risk it could be swine flu?
What Are The Symptons Of The Swine/h1n1 Flu?
6:59 PM | Posted by
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I was just curious to know about what the symptons are of this new flu? please if you don't know please don't answer,sry. no offense to anybody. I just want to know exact. Thanks,
Did The Who Lie About The Swine Flu Being The First Pandemic In 40
6:59 PM | Posted by
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Apparently the swine flu has been declared the first pandemic in 40 years...
..But was SARS, the illness that went around only a few years ago, not a pandemic?? :/
..But was SARS, the illness that went around only a few years ago, not a pandemic?? :/
Are The Bama People Sooooo Thankful For The Possibility Of A Pandemic?
7:32 AM | Posted by
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so as to take the spotlight off the ongoing failures of the bail outs, stimulus and budget?
How Much Pork Can A Politician Pimp While Punctually Posing Pandemic
4:00 AM | Posted by
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Just asking.......
Swine Flu,
How Would Private Medical Insurance Companies Handel A Pandemic Flu Out
7:30 AM | Posted by
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I know Republicans are so dead set against Universal Health care . People with out medical care will certainly spread disease with out even knowing it . Poor working class people who can not afford Medical insurance will certainly go to work with the flu or risk losing their income . People who work at restaurants drive a cab or work at a grocery store (who handle money BTW ) seldom have health INS. This is how the flu spreads so quickly.
Fact Or Rumor: Influenza A(h1n1) Is A Man Made Disease?
1:03 AM | Posted by
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Any opinions and ideas will be appreciated. Thanks!
Please Help Me Destroy The World In Pandemic 2?
1:03 AM | Posted by
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I have all but 4 areas infected or completely destroyed. How do I get the disease to spread to these four areas. If it helps any the areas are: Cuba, Japan, South America, and Madagascar.
How Did Swine-flu Virus Start Affecting Humans?
8:14 PM | Posted by
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well, The puppet government of Cuba and their terrorist partners in FLA, are behind the bacteriological/biological terrorist attack against Mexico!
Swine flu affects pigs. But it was modified in labs to make it affect humans.
Mexico suspect in Cuba's clandestine labs.
Cuba is afraid and ban Mexico to visit the island.
Florida is afraid too.
Terrorist cells in Cuba and Florida are under investigation.
Swine flu affects pigs. But it was modified in labs to make it affect humans.
Mexico suspect in Cuba's clandestine labs.
Cuba is afraid and ban Mexico to visit the island.
Florida is afraid too.
Terrorist cells in Cuba and Florida are under investigation.
How Can I Volunteer To Be Infected With Swine Flu?
1:03 PM | Posted by
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I want to prove to my co-workers that getting swine flu isn’t anything to worry about. I think that getting swine flu and quickly recovering from it is the best way to ease their fears.
Would International Travel Be Stopped If Phase 6 Of The Who's Pandemic
Alert Was Activated?
7:25 AM | Posted by
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My friend told me (I dont know where he picked it up from) that all country to country travel would be stopped if phase 6 was activated. Is this true?
Can You Imagine The Panic If Swine Flu Kills Just One-tenth Of The
Number That Regular Flu Kills?
2:12 AM | Posted by
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Regular flu kills 34,000 each year just in the U.S. Yet, thanks to our media overblowing this, if swine flu kills just 3,000, it will be sheer panic and terror. Go media!
H1n1: Is It Safe To Attend A Concert?
2:12 AM | Posted by
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my friend and i are attending a concert on may 5th and it's at an arena. we have floor tix which means we're in the mosh pit. we bought these tix months ago
now i'm wondeirng if it's safe to go...
but at the same time, why should people with Swine even be going out?
now i'm wondeirng if it's safe to go...
but at the same time, why should people with Swine even be going out?
How Can I Convince My Son He Is Not Going To Die From Swine Flu?
7:09 PM | Posted by
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My 15 year old watched that NHS advert about Swine Flu spreading through a lift, now he's scared to death. He's always been a bit of a germ-freak but now hes talking about not sharing knives and forks.
Anybody Noticed That The Regular Flu Seems To Kill Just As Many People
As The H1n1 Flu...?
6:56 PM | Posted by
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But nobody freaks out over THAT? WTF, people. Calm down. It's really unlikely it'll kill you even if you do get it.
Whats The Difference Between An Epidemic And Pandemic?
6:56 PM | Posted by
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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic can start when three conditions have been met:
Emergence of a disease new to a population.
Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.
A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious.
Description of epidemic - American Heritage® Dictionary
ADJECTIVE: 1. Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time: an epidemic outbreak of influenza.
Emergence of a disease new to a population.
Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.
A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious.
Description of epidemic - American Heritage® Dictionary
ADJECTIVE: 1. Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time: an epidemic outbreak of influenza.
What States Have Confirmed Cases Of The Swine Flu?
2:35 PM | Posted by
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What states have confirmed cases of the swine flu?
Why Do African Governments Still Believe In Abc To Fight The Hiv
2:35 PM | Posted by
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A UNICEF report has published that by 2010 South Africa will have 25 million children who will be orphaned as a result of HIV now my question is why do African government continue with a policy that is obviously not working in terms of the objective of keeping the population alive?
Is The Current Outbreak Of The Swine Flu Worse Than The Bird Flu Scare
Of 2004?
7:05 AM | Posted by
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I've been currently following the Swine flu outbreaks and I was wondering if anyone knew for sure if this outbreak would actually be more harm full than the bird flu that everyone was so concerned about in 2004? I'd like to have real facts along as your opinion so thanks!
Does It Make It Better Or Worse That The Swine Flu Is Now Called H1n1?
7:05 AM | Posted by
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c mon differant name, but same flu. what you thinking now since they changed the name. are you more or less worried
Would International Travel Be Stopped If Phase 6 Of The Who's Pandemic
Alert Was Activated?
7:05 AM | Posted by
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My friend told me (I dont know where he picked it up from) that all country to country travel would be stopped if phase 6 was activated. Is this true?
How Should We Prepare For This Airborne Swine Flu Virus?
1:05 AM | Posted by
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The Swine flu is airborne, it is worse than SARS in Asia in 2003.
People start to pass away in US.
WHO is working retrospectively.
What should we do?
People start to pass away in US.
WHO is working retrospectively.
What should we do?
What Are Some Major Symptoms Of The H1n1 Virus?
1:05 AM | Posted by
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The same as the flu. Fever, nausea, headache, body aches.
The virus has mutated to the point where it is almost exactly the same as the flu virus.
The only difference is that it seems to last a shorter period of time than your ordinary flu virus.
The virus has mutated to the point where it is almost exactly the same as the flu virus.
The only difference is that it seems to last a shorter period of time than your ordinary flu virus.
Why Is The Swine Flu Labeled The Next Pandemic So Quickly.?
1:05 AM | Posted by
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why is the swine flu labeled the next pandemic so quickly...does anyone this is manufactured.....i heard it is rare for the virus to spread and still be deadly after mutating so many times....what do you all think?
I Was Diagnosed With H1n1 And I Went To School To Get My Hw And I
Sneezed On Every One And They Wana Kill Me?
8:09 PM | Posted by
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i spread my h1n1 jerms all over school how do i save the day so i dont go to hell
Do You Think People Are A Bit Too Paranoid About The Swine Flu?
2:10 PM | Posted by
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More people in America die every day from the regular flu than have died world wide from the swine flu. I think the media has over hyped this and now people are freaking out. My brother in law is one of them. It's one thing to warn us but this is over the top.
If Swine Flu Is A H1n1, What Is Normal Influenza? And What Are The
2:10 PM | Posted by
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Because my friend says they are the exact same thing. I really want to know what Normal flu is called as far as numbers go like swine flu is A H1N1
How And What Is The Most Effective Way To Conduct Country-wide Drills
Against Avian And Pandemic Influenza?
7:44 AM | Posted by
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I don't know. But if you're the Government you should know.
I Had A Low Grade Fever For The Past Three Days And A Slight Cough
Should I Be Worried That It The H1n1 Virus?
7:06 PM | Posted by
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Fever in swine flu is very high and the whole body will hurt. While I understand the concern as long as you practice good hygiene and stay out of crowded situations for now, you chances are actually low unless you come in contact with somebody directly.
Whats The Difference Between An Pandemic And A Epidemic?
7:06 PM | Posted by
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The size and scope of the diseases effect...epidemics can be local, pandemics can be global.
How Can I Avoid The Upcoming Pandemic?
12:59 PM | Posted by
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I am already avoiding cops and myself - what else can I do?
What Are The Symptons For The Swine Flu?
7:46 AM | Posted by
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I was wondering because my friend's mom went to the hospital this morning because she was throwing up and up all night. I am worried. Could this be the swine flu?
5,764 People Are Infected With The H1n1 Virus In America? Only 292 Are
Infected In Japan,?
1:52 AM | Posted by
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but authorities have already closed all of the schools in Japan, because of their number. Why isn't America taking this virus more seriously, like everywhere else?
H1n1 Virus/swine Flu, Can Someone Explain This To Me?
8:05 PM | Posted by
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So of course i've been watching the news, but not very steadily. Can someone explain how this sudden outbreak happened or where it started and what's the threat of it? Maybe how it spreads and if the Swine Flu and the H1N1 Virus are two different things, explain the difference please and no jokes either, i'd just like to know all about it out of curiosity.
Cnn Showed A Map Of Where The Swine Flu Would Be Concentrated In A
Pandemic Situation, Where Can I Find It?
8:05 PM | Posted by
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It was a map of the country with little red dots where we could expect to see concentrations of the swine flu. First person to give me a working link to this map will get full stars.
Swine Flu,
How Did The Swine Flu Cross From Pigs To Humans?
2:27 PM | Posted by
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Yesterday 4/27/09 we had a small discassion in one of my highschool classes on how the swine flu crossed from pigs to humans. Three ways were given first that an infacted pig was eaten (poor meat quality in mexico). The virus mutated into a strand that could effect humans. or a human got a little to personal with a pig? wich answer, if any, is true and if none are how did it happen?
In Pandemic Ii How Do You Infect Madagascar?
2:27 PM | Posted by
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I recently started playing Pandemic II and i can't figure out how to infect Madagascar. Can you please help me?
Does Anyone Think The Outbreak Of Swine Flu In Mexico And The Usa Will
Not Become A World Wide Pandemic?
7:52 AM | Posted by
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So far eighty people have died in Mexico. Swine flu has been seen in California, Kansas, Texas, New York, Minnesota from people who have been in Mexico recently.
How Serious Is This Swine Flu Thing?
1:10 AM | Posted by
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I see channels in China and the people are wearing face masks and taking Swine Flu very serious. But here in the US people dont seem to be really taking it take serious. Is this just a regular flu? Any thoughts or feedback?
What's The Difference Between Epidemic And Pandemic?
1:10 AM | Posted by
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An epidemic, also called an outbreak, is a localized event. It usually affects a town, state, region or nation on a larger scale.
A pandemic is global in nature. The plagues were pandemic. Smallpox was pandemic.
A pandemic is global in nature. The plagues were pandemic. Smallpox was pandemic.
How Are Doctors And Nurses Who Work In Hospitals Keeping Away From
Getting Infected With Swine Flu?
7:09 PM | Posted by
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There are a lot of patients in hospitals with swine do the people that work there keep away from getting sick? Is it those masks and hand washing?
Some Believe That H1n1 Influenza Is A "conspiracy" By The Government?
7:09 PM | Posted by
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what are your thoughts?
I heard people say that this virus was caused so that Americans spend more money on drugs. If this was the case they didn't consider the fact that people will not be going out as often. Public events are being shut down because of the virus. Money is being lost here!!
So what are your thoughts?
I heard people say that this virus was caused so that Americans spend more money on drugs. If this was the case they didn't consider the fact that people will not be going out as often. Public events are being shut down because of the virus. Money is being lost here!!
So what are your thoughts?
What's The Difference Between Epidemic And Pandemic?
7:08 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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An epidemic, also called an outbreak, is a localized event. It usually affects a town, state, region or nation on a larger scale.
A pandemic is global in nature. The plagues were pandemic. Smallpox was pandemic.
A pandemic is global in nature. The plagues were pandemic. Smallpox was pandemic.
When People Catch The Swine Flu, How Long Will It Take To Feel The
1:08 PM | Posted by
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Do you need to have ALMOST or ALL the symptoms to have the swine flue? What if you only have 4 of the symptoms?
I went to public places (bus transportation, library, school, restaurant) today and I forgot to wash my hands before I ate dinner. Now I'm worried about catching swine flu since I live in California.
I went to public places (bus transportation, library, school, restaurant) today and I forgot to wash my hands before I ate dinner. Now I'm worried about catching swine flu since I live in California.
Is Your School Closed Due To The Swine (h1n1) Flu Virus?
1:08 PM | Posted by
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Darn my college final is only two weeks away.
Will The Who Raise The Swine Flu Pandemic Level To The Big 6?
1:08 PM | Posted by
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I just want to see what other ppl's input is on this. Do you think we'll be raised to 6?, cause there's more states with cases and already one death. Or do you think we'll level off on 5? I hope we'll start to level off soon. My guess is that we'll stay at 5. Luckily, I live in a state with no cases and that it can be treated with Tamiflu.
Is The Kenyan Changing The Name Of The Flu From Swine Flu To H1n1 So
Americans Aren't Reminded Of The...?
7:14 AM | Posted by
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Democrat's constant habit of tax and spend and pork and his own Porkulus Package where he spent trillions of dollars we don't have?
What Drugs Are Available To Treat A Pandemic Or H1n1 Swine Flu For
People Who Are Allergic To Tamiflu?
7:14 AM | Posted by
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There hundreds of thousands of people who for many reasons cannot take Tamiflu either because they are allergic to the ingredients or because they have a condition they can be affected by the drug
Nobody seems to even mention these people
For instance pregnant women cannot take Tamiflu
So has been done for millions of people who cannot take this drug due its bad side effects in these people
Nobody seems to even mention these people
For instance pregnant women cannot take Tamiflu
So has been done for millions of people who cannot take this drug due its bad side effects in these people
Is The Kenyan Changing The Name Of The Flu From Swine Flu To H1n1 So
Americans Aren't Reminded Of The...?
12:58 AM | Posted by
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Democrat's constant habit of tax and spend and pork and his own Porkulus Package where he spent trillions of dollars we don't have?
What Exactly Happens When Who Raises The Pandemic Alert Level To Phase
12:57 AM | Posted by
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Level 6 appears to carry no special "World Government" clamp downs. It simply appears to be a description that the disease has jumped to multiple "WHO" regions instead of being isolated in one.
"Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way."
"Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way."
How Can The A/h1n1 Virus Cause Death?
7:47 PM | Posted by
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It's possible that if the virus mutates somehow it can become lethal, but so far it does not carry any deadly genes. The reason all those people died in Mexico was because of inadequate health care and poor hygenic conditions. The H1N1 virus is nothing more than a different strain of the common flu bug.
How Many Swine Flu Cases Are In Arizona?
1:23 PM | Posted by
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I am flying from Seattle to Phoenix next Monday. I already looked up the symptoms of the this virus. It has the same symptoms as the flu. I already got my flu shot on February 12th when my family was sick
with the flu. I want to make sure to not end up with the swine flu.
I do have medical insurance so if I do get sick I will be able to get seen at the doctors. What are the chance of getting the swine flu while on my trip? Since I am going to be really close to the us mexico border. I am not going to mexico. I will be staying in the Mesa and phoenix area.
with the flu. I want to make sure to not end up with the swine flu.
I do have medical insurance so if I do get sick I will be able to get seen at the doctors. What are the chance of getting the swine flu while on my trip? Since I am going to be really close to the us mexico border. I am not going to mexico. I will be staying in the Mesa and phoenix area.
What Is The Difference Between A Pandemic And An Epedemic?
1:23 PM | Posted by
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Pandemic means it is everywhere, epidemic means we are all screwed.
Is The Popularity Of The Swine Flu Going Down?
8:20 AM | Posted by
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I always watch the news, and for a while, the swine flu was a big hit. I still watch the news and the swine flu is still affecting people, but dosnt seem to be such a big deal anymore. The news isnt talking about it alot anymore, and when they do, they call it something else. Whats happening?
How Do I Know The Difference Between A Cold/flu And Swine Flu?
1:07 AM | Posted by
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I have a blocked slightly nose and a slight cough, i have never been to mexico, i live in england were there have been no cases of swine flu. there have been two in scotland. should i worry and as the title says how would i tell the difference?
Some People Are Saying The Swine Flu Is Just Media Hype Pandemic?
1:07 AM | Posted by
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If swine flu was found in your child's school or in your office would you still carry on as usual?
Who Else Thinks H1n1 (swine Flu) Is Being Blown Out Of Proportion?
1:08 PM | Posted by
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The swine flu is like any other flu. But no vaccine. there is over 100 cold flu's but there the same.
this is the infection tracker
People need to stop making this a bigger deal than this seams. Im not saying it isnt. But swine flu is just another flu thats all!
this is the infection tracker
People need to stop making this a bigger deal than this seams. Im not saying it isnt. But swine flu is just another flu thats all!
Will The Current Swine Flu Outbreak Develop Into A Global Pandemic?
1:08 PM | Posted by
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Where is this outbreak headed?
Will it get better or worse?
Will we see it progress towards the worst case scenario?
Will it get better or worse?
Will we see it progress towards the worst case scenario?
Why Has The Media Stopped Covering The Economy? Is The Economy Some How
Fixed Now That Swine Flu Is Out?
8:01 AM | Posted by
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With the "outbreak" of swine flu, is the economy suddenly now not issue #1? Has the the swine flu somehow undone all the deficit spending and foreclosures in America? Has it somehow restored the banks confidence in the public?
It's a little pathetic how a flu that has killed less than a 1,000 people thus far is suddenly dominating the headlines, when the plain ol' regular flu kills approximately 500,000 people a year.
What new, sensational story will the media run with next week to forget they ever mentioned the swine flu? When will the economy be crappy enough to be worth covering?
It's a little pathetic how a flu that has killed less than a 1,000 people thus far is suddenly dominating the headlines, when the plain ol' regular flu kills approximately 500,000 people a year.
What new, sensational story will the media run with next week to forget they ever mentioned the swine flu? When will the economy be crappy enough to be worth covering?
Can H1n1 Flu Spread In This Way?
8:01 AM | Posted by
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Can h1n1 flu virus fly through atmosphere from a state to state without an infected person? I am in PA. Nobody have h1n1 flu in this state.
Why Do Labs Create Virus Like The H1n1 To Kill People?
1:05 AM | Posted by
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You do realize that strain has been around for close to a century, right?
Also, it was not created in a lab, but simply a mutated strain of the flu virus. Please get your facts straight before asking loaded questions like this.
Also, it was not created in a lab, but simply a mutated strain of the flu virus. Please get your facts straight before asking loaded questions like this.
What Are Pandemic Alert Phases And What Phase Are We In?
1:01 PM | Posted by
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What is it? Every one keeps saying "Oh no! Phase 5!" But what do they mean by it? Also, what does it have to do with the swine flu?
How Long Does The Swine Flu Virus Stay "viable" On Objects?
1:06 AM | Posted by
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I was wondering how long the swine flu virus stays infective on inanimate objects such as a gasoline pump?
Could I get the swine flu if someone with the influenza pumps gas before I do? How long will the pump stay infectious?
Could I get the swine flu if someone with the influenza pumps gas before I do? How long will the pump stay infectious?
In Ontario (canada) Right Now, How Concerned Should I Be Of H1n1 Or
Swine Flu?
1:06 AM | Posted by
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What precautions should I be taking, especially if I work full-time in an elementary school? Should I be putting hand sanitizer on regulararily? I'm on average around grade seven/eight students.
What's The Difference Between Epidemic And Pandemic?
1:03 AM | Posted by
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if you die of an epidemic are you less dead or more?
Can Swine Flu Kill A Consistently Stressed Teen?
7:14 PM | Posted by
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I am a very stressed out person and I know stress leads to severity of viruses and even increases the chance of getting a virus. Would swine flu be able to kill me or something like that?
Can You Become A Zombie From Catching H1n1 (swine Flu)?
7:14 PM | Posted by
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My skin has turned a light shade of green, and I'm starting to become overtired no matter how long I sleep
Is Your Household Preparing For The Flu Pandemic ? And What Kinds Of
Things Are You Doing ?
7:14 PM | Posted by
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What's your favorite & most informative website on this subject ?
How Come I Don't See A Lot Of Questions On The Swine Flu H1n1 As Of
1:30 PM | Posted by
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people forgot about it i think. i did.
What Can We Intellects Do About This Pandemic Of Foolishness?
1:30 PM | Posted by
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It's destroying us all!
What Is The Origin Of The Name H1n1 Virus?
9:53 AM | Posted by
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Some blind may say that the name H1N1 has originated from Mexico related to Swine flu. But influenza A virus subtype H1N1, also known as A(H1N1), is a subtype of influenza virus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans.
Influenza A virus strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differs from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome. Influenza A virus strains are assigned an H number and an N number based on which forms of these two proteins the strain contains.
There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans.
Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans, including the strain(s) responsible for the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 50–100 million people worldwide. Less virulent H1N1 strains still exist in the wild today, worldwide, causing a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all flu infections in 2006. Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs and in birds.
Minor outbreaks of swine influenza occurred in humans in 1976 and 1988, and in pigs in 1998 and 2007. In the 2009 swine flu outbreak, the virus isolated from patients in the United States was found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses – North American Mexican influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe – "an unusually mongrelised mix of genetic sequences."
This new strain appears to be a result of reassortment of human influenza and swine influenza viruses, in all four different strains of subtype H1N1.
However, as the virus has not yet been isolated in animals to date and also for historical naming reasons, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) suggests it be called "North-American influenza". On April 30, 2009 the World Health Organization began referring to the outbreak as "Influenza A" instead of "swine flu"., and later began referring to it as "Influenza A(H1N1)".
Influenza A virus strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differs from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome. Influenza A virus strains are assigned an H number and an N number based on which forms of these two proteins the strain contains.
There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans.
Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans, including the strain(s) responsible for the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 50–100 million people worldwide. Less virulent H1N1 strains still exist in the wild today, worldwide, causing a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all flu infections in 2006. Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs and in birds.
Minor outbreaks of swine influenza occurred in humans in 1976 and 1988, and in pigs in 1998 and 2007. In the 2009 swine flu outbreak, the virus isolated from patients in the United States was found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses – North American Mexican influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe – "an unusually mongrelised mix of genetic sequences."
This new strain appears to be a result of reassortment of human influenza and swine influenza viruses, in all four different strains of subtype H1N1.
However, as the virus has not yet been isolated in animals to date and also for historical naming reasons, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) suggests it be called "North-American influenza". On April 30, 2009 the World Health Organization began referring to the outbreak as "Influenza A" instead of "swine flu"., and later began referring to it as "Influenza A(H1N1)".
What Places Should I Avoid To Prevent Swine Flu?
6:58 PM | Posted by
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I just got back from Mexico (Tijuana) 4 days back to San Diego.
But now swine flu is real bad news.
And this time when I return, I am actually going for more than 7days.
How can I try be safe?
I will be working closely with lots of children so avoiding physical contact is not easy.
I just got back from Mexico (Tijuana) 4 days back to San Diego.
But now swine flu is real bad news.
And this time when I return, I am actually going for more than 7days.
How can I try be safe?
I will be working closely with lots of children so avoiding physical contact is not easy.
Who Thinks That People Are Over Reacting With The Whole H1n1 Flu Aka
Swine Flu?
6:58 PM | Posted by
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i do.
i think its just like the normal flu,
but with "swine" put in front of it :|
i think its just like the normal flu,
but with "swine" put in front of it :|
Are You Going To Flee To Canada If Illegals Storm The Southern Border
And Start A Swine Flu Pandemic Here?
6:58 PM | Posted by
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There are so many illegals here it is disgusting, it is probably in the water now.
Plus, if I wanted to immigrate to Canada (which is where my mother is from) I would go about it the legal route with respect.
Plus, if I wanted to immigrate to Canada (which is where my mother is from) I would go about it the legal route with respect.
How Many Cases Of The H1n1 Flu Have Been Diagnosed Worldwide? Where Are
They Found?
2:21 PM | Posted by
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There have been 1,1490 confrimed cases confrimed worldwide. Not sure of all countries but here are a few, UK, US, Mexico, Canada, spain, portugal. Check bbc outbreak map. Please be advised the WHO are talking about raising the pandemic alert level to its highest level of 6 TONIGHT becuase there is clear evidence that the virus is becoming establsihed in the worldwide communities and it poses a threat to millions.
Should I Cancel My Trip To London Next Week Due To A Possible Pandemic
Of Swine Flu?
2:21 PM | Posted by
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I'm more worried about navigating the airports and spending 9 hours on a plane with a couple hundred people in close quarters than being in London. Anybody have info on plane acquired illness? Can anybody help put my concerns into perspective?
Where Are The Cases Of H1n1(swine Flu) Located?
7:16 AM | Posted by
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where and how many confirmed cases of H1N1 are there in the U.S. and Canada? (province or state, # of cases) I'm traveling to the states in a few weeks and there are going to be a lot of people.
Is The Impending Swine Flu Pandemic Something The Liberals Cooked Up To
Distract The Entire World?
7:16 AM | Posted by
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away from Sheik Obama's treasonous actions, making it a political grasp for power by the Obama administration?
Is The Mortality Rate For H1n1 Really 6-7%?
1:31 AM | Posted by
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That would be the deadliest flu since the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.
Why isn't the CDC coming out with more accurate numbers regarding numbers of infected people and mortality rates? From what I can see, that mortality rate is way off base and is causing unfounded fears. Any thoughts?
Why isn't the CDC coming out with more accurate numbers regarding numbers of infected people and mortality rates? From what I can see, that mortality rate is way off base and is causing unfounded fears. Any thoughts?
Does Anybody Remembered Did Who Raised Level 5 Global Alert For Bird
Flu And Called It Pandemic Too?
1:30 AM | Posted by
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And how many people exactly died? which countries? how about US and Europe? i have log to Wikipedia, not much helped, neither though the question in the search button here. Thanks!
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