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Whats Your Opinion On The Swine Flu? Scared Or Do You Think It Is Just
Another Flu?
7:35 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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So whats everyone think about this swine flu. Is it something to be scared of or just nothing?
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I don't know what to think. It's very odd that it happen so suddenly. I've heard cases have been found in Ohio, so at this point I'm a worried considering I live in Michigan. I'd be much less concerned if I had health insurance, but at the moment I'm a full-time college student with no coverage. Same with my boyfriend. So I guess if one of us gets it, we're SOL.
It is possible that Swine Flu was a virus created by man and that it either escaped the facility that created it, or was deliberately released by some country to experiment with biological weapons.
The US said that they had proof that SARS was linked to China and their biological release on the public in Taiwan as punishment for Taiwan breaking away from China.
The chance that its Swine Flue is man-made is 95% because:
1. It appeared suddenly this month.
2. It is a genetic mix of swine-bird-human
3. It is spreading on a non-flu time of the year
4. It is spreading rapidly, more so than regular flu
End of world...probably not, but always a possiblity. This disease was probably released as a statement to America from Russia (Georgia Conflict) or Korea....most likely Korea...for Americas recent protest of their missile launch. They do alot of genetic manipulation with DNA and such....famous for it.
the swine flu was not a human experiment or terrorist attack or whatever,pigs can get sick with the three strains of flu,human,bird,and of coarse swine.pigs bodies work as mixing vessels where the three strains can exchange DNA,therefore a human,bird,and pig mix was made,and thus pig farmers get into contact with these pigs,and eventually get infected.
Hmmm...Well Im pretty Scared...Im Only 13 and I Live In lasVegas.
Thast really bad because i googled swine flu and found that nevada had 1 confirmed case in reno. Vegas Has Like more then 1000 people in and out every day. If we get confrimed cases in this city im begging my family to go to a deserted town in like vermont. I doubt theyll agree.
I came from mexico 4 months ago and thank god we got aoutta there when we did. On a level of 1 to ten ten bieng scared out of my socks, im a 6 or 7. I atleast want to finish this school year too. I have like 1 month of school left and i dont want it post poned for the middle of june.
anyways, Im really scarred right now.I think im gonna go to school tomorrow with rubbergloves, a can of lysol, and a big bottle of hand sanitizer.
I am somewhat scared but not going to quit living my life. If I traveled to Mexico I'd be a lot more scared that my head would get cut off by the drug cartel than catching the flu. However, I'd avoid Mexico City. So many people living in such a small area. Mother earth has always controlled her population by famine, disease, natural disaster or war. The flu will get you no matter where you are at if you are not immune.
I'm actually pretty scared it seems to be getting closer and closer to my town and at first it was just in Mexico but now it has spread and its global,i also have a pretty weak immune system and catch things very easily,maybe if my immune system was stronger i wouldn't be as worried,but in the end I'm worried for everyone out there i hope this flu decreases.
I think that it is something to worry about and one must take action. We should be even more careful about washing our hands. However I noticed that someone put that one should not eat mexican food, but what does mexican food have to do with it. The swine flu can not be transferred by eating pork, or mexican food. If you don't believe me go to and look for yourself. This site tell you all about the swine flu from how many states have it to how many people have died to how you can get it and so on. Educate yourself by looking at real websites and don't just believe opinions from people that are answering here because not all know what they are talking about.
Hope this helps.
i live in rhode island. my grandmother died of the swine flu yesterday. the government officials came by my house this morning, and are telling us to keep it a secret. but i don't care about that, i want this information to get out to everyone. don't trust anything the government tells you, it's one big cover up. they may have been planning for this for quite a while.
i think its a little more severe than the regular flu, and we should keep on shutting down schools if we have to. but each school has to be tested for it and even if onee kid has symptoms, we should all be treated and sent home.
am i scared? eh... not that much.
should i be? maybe cautious and aware, but not ****-in-my-pants scared.
At the height of the SARS and bird flu epidemics EVERYONE entering or leaving China was scanned for the symptoms...
Look at the rapid spread of Spanish 'flu in 1918 - no mass air travel then.
Don't eat Mexican - food nachos, burritos, tostados, chili etc.
I personally think the media is over-hyping the swine flu. I not really concerned and i plan to travel to Mexico on memorial day. This thing should be over in the next two weeks. By the end of May people are going forget the Swine FLU. I mean this just a localized outbreak. Come on!!! Is just the government trying scare tactics on us so we can buy tamiflu!! and steal our money!! It not really serious here. AND YOU CAN'T GET THE FLU FROM FOOD!! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
well now i am scared shitless because of what ned flanders said about his grandmother dying from the swine flu in rhode island because i live in connecticut and connecticut and rhode island are like 30 minutes away from each other.
It isn't some average thing but again its not something to spend every second dieing I think it is a flu to be aware about!
its just another flu lol
scientist are gonna find a cure :]
its just the media thats scarring the crap out of people
just another flu
It just seems like a pretty normal flu to me.
im scaredddddddddddd
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