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Why Did The Media Completely Blow Out Of Proportion The Swine Flu
1:15 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Its one thing having people in Mexico to die, because they dont' have the healthcare we have, and the only person that died from it in the US was a baby....from Mexico!
Anyway, why did they scare everybody, when absoulutely nothing happened?
Anyway, why did they scare everybody, when absoulutely nothing happened?
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The Media, environmentalists, alarmists (and scientists who should know better) are always latching onto some new scare to frighten us with - some to panic us into living the way THEY think we should live according to THEIR rules and beliefs, and to panic us into paying Billions of taxpayer Dollars to fix an imaginary problem.
Corrupt Governments play on these fears to further their own agendas. What Government would say "No" to New taxes or a new way of controlling the masses?
The Swine Flu scare will go the same way as the ozone depletion scare, Y2K, global warming, acid rain, the threat of another Ice Age, SARS, avian flu, being hit by a meteor, the world ending in 2012 and Peak Oil scams, and it will just quietly fade from memory and be replaced with some new scare.
First, we had 2 people die so far and actually the baby that died was here but wasn't American. That being said I don't think that what happened just across the border should be referred to as "nothing happened".
The reason they made such a fuss about it is because of the potential that was there (and still is) for a serious epidemic. Americans haven't been exposed to that strain of flu and because of that we haven't got any immunity to it. The fact that schools were shut down as a precaution is likely the reason it didn't get out of hand. The other reason the media went wild with it is because crisis = ratings, the media has stopped being about the story now and is more about the ratings.
Sorry, but a 34 year old woman in Texas died from it and as it isn't over yet we can't be sure someone else won't. The media probably did over-hype it, but it is better to be safe than sorry and it wasn't known how dangerous it was. It can still mutate and it can still kill people but this time around it seems to be fairly mild and only be a serious problem for people with weakened immune systems.
No, the reaction was appropriate. Compare to Katrina, while the public slept, NO got washed away. We were prepared for the Swine Flu and partially as a result the problems were contained.
As to nothing happening - great. You know, I could have won $1,000,000 on the Derby if I just had tomorrows newspaper!
Money. The news agency gets more viewers by over hyping the outbreak. I was shocked that now our News has product placement. I swear Johnson and Johnson payed some news agency for Purell to be place in the news item to sell to people who have fear of the flu. THis Flu is of concern from epidemiological stand point, not as a killer disease. It needs to be monitored but this flu kills far less than other flus. Scientist and doctors are scaring people to get more money. Scientist did that with Avian flu. They want the research grant and they knew the Avian flu was unlikely to be a pandemic. For years we hear about it, but after several years the likelyhood becomes slim. Doctors want the office visists. They do very little for the flu adn can charge alot. Doctors are even dragging homeless from the street and charging medicare for the visits. They take a swab and charge hundreds to our governmetn for the visit. Government agency is in a buying spree. THey are buying face mask that they know they won't work.
PS two died. An American at the border died recently.
They did not. It appeared that the death rate was going to be very high. Even now, we do not have a full idea of the death rate as most who are diagnosed with this are on treatment. In the event of a full scale pandemic, that would not happen.
They didn't really have much else going on at the time. They needed to fill the void created by the 24 hour news cycle. Have you ever noticed that when something really is serious, they spend lots of time reassuring people and telling them not to panic? When it's something that they're using to boost ratings they turn it into a frenzy to keep people tuned in.
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste...." Rahm Emanuel
See the words from the horses mouth himself (link below).
The libbie media believes the same thing. Rahm just had the guts to actually say it out loud.
Republican from before she was born... and PROUD of it.
How much coverage did they to a damn plane crash when congress was bailing out banks and giving us tax slavery to the 100th power?
Same thing happened here. Swine flu, missing kids from a local region, Anna Nicole, etc. It's the old misdirection play.
Bread and circuses.
The American media regardless of political leaning always blows things out of proportion.
America is a great nation, but our media is on a 2nd grade level. That is why I listen to BBC.
Lol MALS I go to school in Austin, I have seen people taking unnecessary precautions here too.
The thing about the never know if a new strain is going to be a dud or an actual pandemic/epidemic.
Better safe than sorry....
THINK: If the swine flu turned out to be more ominous, then everyone would criticize the media and the government for not doing enough !
I don't think they blew it out of proportion. When it first started, there was every reason to think that it could kill a lot of people. We were warned to take precautions. As soon as it was clear that the virus would not kill most of its victims, we were told that fact. Better safe than sorry.
The CDC is a circle jerk, a typical Washington bureaucracy. They could have analyzed the biochemistry of the Swine Flu on day one and discovered that it is not particularly lethal. Too much like work, I suppose.
Over 20,000 people die every year from the flu--
A large percentage of Americans are just clueless about the many different ways you can DIE!
40,000 die in car accidents every year--------- so let's get rid of cars ! NOT!
I flew into the Austin, Texas airport 2 days ago. I was laughing my *** off......two people were walking around with Facemasks on. Everyone else was eating and chilling in the terminal. Some people fall for the media craziness.
Because Manny hadn't tested positive yet.
If Manny had tested positive three weeks ago, "swine flu" wouldn't have made it beyond NPR's world news.
CYA! cover your accountability. Worst case scenario was what the government prepared for. I'm glad it didn't come to that but if it would have, all the proper steps were taken.
No, there was another woman that died that was not from Mexico, also from TX.
The whole thing was an internation drill for the World Health Organization.
Actually, the conservatives, fresh brewed from their Tea PArties, suddenly wanted Big Government to come in a protect them and close the borders, too... How irrational the Right can be...
The same could be asked of every epidemic that's happened over the last 10 years.
because thats what they do - most media are scaremongers. speculators. depends what newspapers you read.
Because a lot of people died from a pandemic in America in the early 1900's. It can happen again.
So folks would rush out and get vaccinated when they become available, but its not over yet, the WHO is saying things could get much worse this fall, this virus is in the infancy stage.
The media blow everything out of proportion
To cover up what the politics are doin.....and to create fear why create fear? who controls the main stream media? does anyone else smell something fishy
The media always is trying to draw attention to what is really happening in the US.
Numbers of confirmed infections are growing every day. Have you heard the phrase 'it's not over 'til it's over?'
Prob tp try what the government is always trying to do....Make money! Just like, why do they lie about global warming???? To make money!
CONTROL!!!!! Sorry for shouting.
Because it didn't.
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