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Should we close the US-Mexican border to keep safe from this outbreak?


GoSailor said...

They are really blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. Understand that thousands of people die each day from the common cold and pneumonia. Swine Flu is nothing more than the SARS scare that happened several years ago. And as it is, the only casualty from Swine Flu so far is a two year old child from Mexico City who recently died in a hospital in Houston.
Of course there is always the possibility that a virus can mutate and become a epidemic problem, but that's very unlikely. Besides, closing the border wouldn't do anything to prevent those who enter our country illegally in the first place.
The United States should do what they are currently doing right now: have the alarm raised so that the government has the necessary power and ability to respond quickly (as it should have been prior to Katrina), stock up on whatever vaccines have the potential to protect against the flu (should it break out in a given area), analyze the situation as it unfolds.
They've already advised people against going to Mexico, so between the drug war and the pig flu, there really isn't a need to close the border (as anyone without the utmost need to travel there wouldn't).

intelex said...

If we shut down air traffic too, like Cuba, then maybe. The real issue is that the media needs a good story.
The fatality rating is not that high and typically occurred in areas with high density. Every year thousands of people die from non-swine flu. It can actually be a good thing to get sick with this flu because steroids and antibiotics can help overcome potential lethality caused by your own immune system.
If N5H1 avian flu ever went person to person, then we would be in serious serious serious danger if it happens a certain way. I don't think this swine flu is worth shutting down commerce.

inquisit said...

The United States should have closed its borders long before the swine flu issue...
With that said, yes the United States should close its border and we should quarantine any individuals who are coming by air, boat or other mode of transportation from the infected areas of Mexico. We used to quarantine people who arrived here from other countries but for some reason we don't do that anymore (probably someone complained of it violating their civil rights). We quarantine animals and fruit in Hawaii, but we don't do that here, to my knowledge, on the continental United States...I find that peculiar...especially in light of the fact that TB and hepatitis have increased with these lax policies.
I suppose the gov't will wait until a large number of people get infected or die before they deal with it in the proper manner. I'd like to get paid to do little or nothing at my job. Is there a position in the gov't for me? I'm available for a job...LOL!!!!

Dolphin Massage Chair said...

To contain an epidemic anyone that has an IQ above room temperature knows you have to quarantine the sick and stop more from entering the general populous!The current administration designed this virus to get Universal Health care passed and stage another miracle by Obama the "President for life".They can now test the American Peoples reaction to a period(short ) period of Martial Law.Get ready .They are very very dangerous.

meg said...

When you look at the geographic distribution of cases it is obvious it is mostly being spread by people flying from mexico city not from people crossing the US Mexican border and that it is already too late for a quarantine of Mexico to work.

eir said...

obama can't even answer this simple question without spending another $1.5 billion. he just spent 10 minutes avoiding answering this exact question from the associated press correspondent.
yes, that would be a simple, and cheap way to curtail the possibility of further outbreaks in the us.

Free Wordpress Autoposter Plugins said...

It has already spread, it is in Europe, China , Israel , US , Canada , Australia etc etc etc
closing that border won't solve the problem

Funky Baby Clothes said...

If that alert is stepped up then many other things will be closed as well.

"Kh a a a a a n n" ! ! said...

Not sure if it would help. If Mexico is doing its job then it won't be necessary.

Tryad said...

Its too late for that now, But I would agree that we still shut down the border.

secretha said...

Of course. but that is common sense which our government lacks.

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