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Do symptoms show right away for swine flu? And can you get it from somebody who isn't showing symptoms yet? My boyfriend is a server/bartender and we have a 6 month old baby girl, so I guess I'm a little worried about that. Thanx!


Patrick said...

make sure he washes his hands and doesnt pick his nose while serving

bre :) said...

Yes, you can have H1N1 like two weeks before you actually see symptoms. Make sure that know one sneezes or coughs on you or their hand, then touches you. You can get it from coughing, and sneezing. So, make sure that you stay sanitary, and your baby girl. I'm sorry to say, but the people that gets affected the most with the flu are elders and babies. So, make sure that you clean your hands before you touch your baby, and keep your baby clean 24/7. And when you sneeze, sneeze or cough in a tissue. The main thing to get pass this flu is to stay clean.

Zoey said...

For Swine Flu, you may want to check this site out:
I found it out when I search in google.. it helped me a lot. Spread it to everyone you know.. build awareness and STOP the epidemic before it takes your love-one's or your life.

skeptiko said...

Yes, you can, the incubation for influenza is about a 1-2 day period so you can pass the flu around that time without showing symptoms.

greenrx7 said...

Yes, you're generally most contagious before you ever start showing symptoms. That's with any cold/flu, not necessarily swine flu.

The Luke said...

Much like normal flu, the symptoms come very soon after you get the virus. It is spread by coughing or sneezing, so just be careful with that.

jennifer said...

yes, most times you wont notice the symptoms 24 hours-3 days

Jeremy said...

it isn't swine flu.

Aldora L said...

no i advice u live in the basement with no human contact until the flu is over

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