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c mon differant name, but same flu. what you thinking now since they changed the name. are you more or less worried


Free Smartphone Themes said...

to late to change it, it's known as Swine Flu to me

asher362 said...

I'm more worried. I worry because the name change was done thanks to Pork interests whining and complaining that calling it Swine Flu was affecting pork sales.
The name wasn't changed to make it more accurate or more informative. It was done with political pressure to serve a few private interests.
It sets a disturbingly clear example of how our government is run by special interests.

Matt said...

In my mind, it doesn't change anything because it's the same virus, but the reason they did it was so that people would confuse consumption of pork and ham to cause the virus.

Kyle P said...

It's the same thing, they changed the name because people thought you could only get it by eating pigs which is untrue so they renamed it to it's actual scientific name.

Crystal said...

It makes it better for the pig farmers because they felt their pork was getting a bad rap. You cannot get the flu from eating meat. The name was changed to make pork producers happy.

xtina said...

Hopefully the report that swine flu might be less potent than originally feared, will calm people down.

Evan G said...

It probabley makes it worse. Since people dont know what it means they will take it less seriously.

Trilinie Sarah S said...

Awww. Don't they always gotta just take the drama out of everythin'. - I'd rather be remembered dying of the swine flu. lol

winztin said...

Shall a swine called by any other name be less vile? - my sincere apology to mr Shakespeare

nunya said...

i didnt hear that. its a stupid name why not just call it what it is swine flu?? maybe if we quit letting them in they will quit bringing their deseases and infecting us.. just a thought

Pencilh8 said...

No less. It's just our government trying to protect us AND FAILING. As always.

Joseph B said...

worse, why change it. this means the flu might be worst er than what they tested

jenna said...

Why the hell would I be more or less worried because of the name?

αηgєℓα said...

worse..cuz h1n1 sounds so complicated
but i'm still not worried..even if i do live in new york

Jasmine La Maravilla said...

I think they are less worried lol.I think its a stupid name tho

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