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Charge them with TRESPASS AND ASSAULT !


It is absolutely vital that Informed Consent is carried out before you are vaccinated with the H1N1 flu vaccine.

Are New Vaccines Laced with ...


Metania01 said...

shame on u

userenji said...


UkTruthSeeker2009 said...

Certainly not you deght,and certainly not a vaccine company who allow thier vaccines to become contaminated with mercury & other dangerous chemicals that are hazardous to human health, You take your vaccine go on be a good boy/girl and come tell us how you feel later down the line

UkTruthSeeker2009 said...

My Parents both had yearly flu vaccines 2 years running then my dad got Alzhimiers at the age of 56 and died in 1999. 3 years later my mother died of cancer which took doctors 9 months to diagnose and then it was only because My sister and I went mad and told them she had cancer,Doctors are not allways right.

mirsaes said...

Thank you for posting. I have had a similar experience where doctor's have been more dismissive than helpful. I never rely on what one doctor might tell me anymore. Where have all the real doctor's gone?

deght said...

You're right. If I get into a car accident and need surgery, i'll just do it my self since I can't trust doctors.

leprechaun1963 said...

you trust everything so called professionals tell you deght? That's how these quacks get away with what they do,uninformed lazy people who don't read or research subjects, enjoy your shots :)

deght said...

Your logic is so utterly flawed. Who do you trust to give you this "information"?

WeThePeopleNoNWO said...

Deght,big difference between an accident and taking an experimental vaccine.Why would Obama give vaccine makers COMPLETE IMMUNITY from any damage their vaccines do to people.Sounds like they have lot's of confidence in their product.Maybe you should try Bayers vaccine.They put AIDS in it.Cheers and bottoms up.

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