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Does Anyone Think The Outbreak Of Swine Flu In Mexico And The Usa Will
Not Become A World Wide Pandemic?
7:52 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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So far eighty people have died in Mexico. Swine flu has been seen in California, Kansas, Texas, New York, Minnesota from people who have been in Mexico recently.
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It is actually nothing to worry about at all!
It has been a disaster in Mexico as it is literally a 3rd World country and you have to pay to have medical check-ups operations etc. so therefore they have no protection against it at all and there was nothing that they could do as for the Americans and the Canadians they actually just caught it and had MINOR FLU SYMPTOMS! So there is nothing to worry about unless you live in a 3rd World Country.
The press are only trying to cause panic so that you will buy their papers and watch their news channels.
Do you know what a pandemic is? It just means a disease that spreads around the world. It does NOT mean a disease that kills off most people.
Will this flu spread so that there are cases in most countries? Very likely. Will people die? Of course. Will it be 20%. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will it be 2%? Exceedingly unlikely.
Every few years there is unthinking hysteria about things like this. Remember how the world was destroyed by SARS? Ebola? Hanta virus? Legionnaire's Disease? Swine Flu? Hong Kong Flu? I remember all of these the past 30 years. In every on, some people screamed "the sky is falling" and were sure the human race was going to lose a large fraction of its population. People predicted destruction. And it never happened. People died, and that's a shame. But the number of deaths in every country was a tiny fraction (1/100 or 1/1,000) of the number of people killed each year by car accidents in those countries.
About 9,000 people died of SARS. About 1,200,000 people died in traffic accidents during that same period. That means 133 times more people died in traffic accidents than in SARS. Remember this before you panic and spread panic.
News hysteria and mass ignorance spread much faster than does influenza. Practice some cautions, just as you do with other dangerous activities (driving a car, using a saw, riding a bike, taking a shower in a slippery bathtub). And don't worry too much. ALL of those activities I just listed are FAR more dangerous than any of those pseudo-pandemics I listed in the previous paragraph.
NO, a pandemic is not an epidemic, that's why there are two words for them. An epidemic starts from an epicenter while a pandemic starts from several different places concurrently.
The common cold kills 4,500 people each year. Frankly I'm not impressed w/ that small of a death toll for this flu.
CRAZYK: I can tell that you're young by the way you refer to Mexico as a 3rd world country. You've obviously never been there.
The world wide pandemic has already started!!! It will be confirmed by your health minister if your country has it. A lot of counties have got it and it has been spreading rapidly and at the rate it is spreading every country in the world will declare a public health emergency within the next week (The USA did tonight). It has reached Britain but the government aren't telling anyone yet but it is possible they will tomorrow, the virus could turn into a more dangerous form. Read this article to fine out more.
the one in the uk tested negative thank god
doctors r pretty good these days. also edit it hasnt been discovered yet in minnesota but it has been confirmed in ohio and nova scotia
but these r all mild cases. i think in mexico they dont have the proper medical treatment and enough drs to take care. plus i think that by the time they figured out what it was it was too late for those infected it had severly gotten worse. pray for the best. til than just practice good hygeine
I did a blog post on it this morning.
Your guess is as good as anyone's. The best you can do is stock up on supplies and hope for the best.
It already started, but the people who have in the states all recover from it. They don't why the people in states and new zealand all recover the people who went to mexico all said that they had not contract with pigs.
not trying to worry you but i think that swine flu will probably kill a lot of people in 3rd world countries, although i don't think that many will die in the uk or USA, i know only 1 person has died in the us
Listen, there were only 8 cases that caused death. The mrdis is telling lies. The flu is all over the world. Get real. The USA is the most dangerous place in the world.
I think it's already started. It's been confirmed in New Zealand, now Canada I'm not sure about Britan yet but I heard rumors about a pilot.
Hopefully it won't...
Well i think its all scare mongering. Silly can be treated although there is no vaccine to prevent it.
i wouldnt panic unless loadz more people catch it
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