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Maine Senator Susan Collins still is bragging on her website how she led the fight to strip pandemic awareness and preparation out of the
stimulous measure. And she is supposed to be the moderate one.


Anonymous said...

I did read this earlier today. Once again, the Pubbies are on the wrong side of history

Been there, done that. said...

I did hear about that yesterday, however I think she has since removed it from her site.

City of Placebo said...

Figures I definitely got the impression that the Center for Disease control was seriously underfunded.

Matticus said...

Fix your link.?

susisays said...

Everyone is guilty re: this issue~! Sorry, Sassy, but the GOP is NOT the source of all ills!

Anonymous said...

Is this the stimulus bill that nobody read?

Westhill said...

It confirms my belief that Republicans' priorities are way out of whack.

Sun Down said...

Can we equate that to Obama stripping the funding of our military? What can expect then?

Lynne said...

If you'd let them, politicians would spend every darn dollar you made. It's a good thing that some of them are finally putting on the GD breaks...imho.

The Dizzer said...

Westhill is the only one that gets it? There has to be a lot of unemployed Republicans looking at these questions and answers.

Steel Rain said...

Every dark cloud has a silver lining, a world wide swine flu pandemic is just natures way of going green it's the liberal thing to do flu for everyone.

che_obam said...

Check your sources carefully.
The Democratic majority steam rolled the GOP, they didn't have the chance to strip, debate or discuss the stimulus.

tim d said...

The republicans are unable to do anything or stop anything with the democrat majority in the house and senate.
Blame your elected democrat leaders for this one...
Good Job!
Always looking out for the citizens aren't they?

Stereoty said...

Who even knows the details of that funding. Typical Liberal falling for the name of the bill over the actual details. That could already exist for all you know.

Shovel Ready said...

What the he!! is "pandemic awareness?" People, just turn on your frickin radio. Why should this cost taxpayers a dime? Liberals work on the theory that people are idiots and need a federal program for everything.

wisemanc said...

Control the boarders and you wouldn't have to worry about a pandemic. Finally Democrats are paying a little attention. Republicans have been warning about this for years.
a Boarder wall, how about that for pandemic awareness?

Legalman said...

In a bill that only needed a simple majority to pass? Which the Democrats have, and used, to pass this bill, prior to anyone being able to properly read and vet it! Is this the bill you refer to? The one that contained hundreds of millions in pork projects for Demo strongholds?
God bless anyone of those idiots on Capitol Hill, Demo or Repub, who tried to save even one little dime in that large black hole of government expansion and waste that your great [to the 4th power] grandchildren will be paying for.

Anonymous said...

That's right, don't bother to mention that {The $50 million left in the bill, listed as a Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund...} ( cidrap/ content/ influenza/ panflu/ news/ feb1309funding.html)
That's fifty million dollars which WAS approved to be added to their budget. As much as being prepared is necessary, they did approve 50 million, as opposed to 900,000,000$. Unless you believe that the federal government should pay for everything, rather than individual states paying for some, too...
Should not states and citizens themselves accept some responsibility for their own health rather than expect the fed. to provide? 50 million is not chump change.
As big as the stimulus bill was, there is still a limit on it. So much money sent here, so much there... how would YOU divide it up? Or would you expect unlimited funds?
EDIT: I put two spaces after every '/' because the link would not otherwise work.

Ana Stasia Nika said...


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