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It has been said on the news over the last day when talking about pandemics, that they last 4 months. Does anyone know why this is. I would have thought that they last as long as they last, and could not be defined in time.


Carl P said...

basically until everyone who does not have an immunity to the problem dies off, or the pandemic mutates.

silly gorbie said...

The Black Death lasted for several hundred years...there is no fixed time limit per se.

Tracker said...

Until everybody is dead.

Robert S said...

Although a pandemic can last for months, it depends on a particular country's speed of response.
It can take some considerable time and expense to vaccinate a whole population and therefore most governments only treat those at greatest risk. Even this can take some months and until the risk is neutralised/minimised the pandemic is still able to infect.

idontlik said...

they last till all infected people are better ore dead

im5parti said...

An "expert " said on TV the other morning that "A pandemic usually lasts 4 months".

Barbara Doll to you said...

Yes work has been done based on the 1918 and 1957 and 1968 pandemics which suggest about 14-16 weeks.

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