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What If A Worldwide Flu Pandemic Wipes Out All Human Life Before The
Rapture Has A Chance To Happen?
7:21 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Won't the whole book of Revelation seem a bit redundant and unnecessary?
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what if, they all die and only you and I are left?
Oh what a fun time that will be! lol
The rapture is not in the bible. It is a false doctrine
IT'S NOT A FLU. It's zombies.
Jesus will come for all the reformed chimpanzees
Maybe the swine flu is the rapture.
I will be so pissed if everyone dies before the warranty on my new TV runs out!!
The Good Lord he be mighty displeased if someone else steals his thunder.
idk but i think it would be cool id there was an infection that turned into a zombie type thing and the survivres make there last stand and when they do the 2nd coming of christ happens
it won't
but yes if all life was wiped out then the bible was not the word of God.
God said these diseases would be around just before he returned.
No. There will be no need of rapture since nobody will be around anyway. Everyone will go down instead of up.
Pestilence was one of the four horseman of the apocalypse so it kind of fits.
My secretary just came back from a week in Cancun (I guess I'll be a first to go)
The flu could be the Rapture, the timing could work out.
the worst pandemics have only killed 2/3 of the humans in the areas where the pandemic hit.
What if only the "chosen" don't get sick? It could be part of the rapture. Like - we just interpreted it wrong. Pigs will bring on the cleansing of the world???
I have no idea.
Hi, the Rapture isn't part of Revelations, it is a man made event. So we can safely say it will never occur.
Love and God bless you,
Jesus Christ wipes out unrepentant men from the earth - not the flu.
Any event spoken of by God to happen in the future does not have the "chance" to happen - it happens.
pandemics are real. The rapture is a 19th century myth, not even part of Revelation.
Revelation was about the fall of Rome. It is already redundant and unnecessary.
At least it's better than waiting for eons for something that's NEVER going to happen, and if it does the entire human race will have long forgotten about this whole rapture thing long before it actually happens (assuming we survive extinction from a flu bug).
It cant happen that way because the Bible tells us how things will unfold in the end. We will see wars, rumors of wars, mens hearts will fail, the earth will shake ETC. Any pandemic we see now is just the unfolding of the end of time here on earth until Jesus raptures us. I used to worry about things like that, but then I realized Jesus is my Lord and he will do whatever is righteous. If I die before I get raptured, so be it. Then I will be on a white horse with him when he returns to set up is 1000 year kingdom on earth! However, I would prefer to get raptured. It will happen in the twinkling of an fast we wont even know it. If you have not see a Left Behind movie, I suggest you watch one. Its a bit dramatic, but the point is there. So my Friend in Christ, dont worry, if you love Jesus, everything will unfold according to his plan!!
Sorry, I got carried away....dont worry about the pandemic, just live and care for yourself and loved ones using common sense and God will provide. Pray a prayer of protection for you, your home, your neighborhood and everyone you come in touch with. We are in the beginning of end time, and for Christians, this is going to be a great time watching the BIble unfold in front of us. Unlike other Christians who dont go to Doctors, I believe God put Doctors and medicine on earth just in case he dont want to do a miracle in us when we are sick. Dont be afraid to go to the Doctor if you are ill and use universal precautions when coming into contact with people who may be ill. But always pray for them and your Doctor that God will touch them! AMEN?? I hope this helps and if Jesus is not your Lord, simply ask him to forgive your sins and tell him you want him as your Lord and Savior and beleive that God raised him from the dead. By his stripes, we are healed. God Bless and I hope this helps..
There is no rapture. That is a false teaching.
As for the tribulation that IS OCCURRING NOW just before the return of Jesus, it's purpose is to eliminate all who DO NOT want God's way of life that will be instituted at the return of Jesus.
By the way - Just because someone says "I am a Christian" does not mean they want God's way of life.
Most who say "I am a Christian" say so as fire insurance.
"Christianity" is about to be cleansed from all it's false teachings.
There is no rapture. The churches that preach the rapture are the seven woes in revelation. A lot of believers will turn away from their faith because they heard rapture their whole life and when they find their is no rapture, they will turn their backs on the Lord. 1/3 of the earths population will die due to famine and disease. So it is not possible for any virus to kill everyone.
While I was on a road trip through South Carolina and Georgia I heard a radio minister say that the rapture idea is interpreted by most Christians in the wrong manor. I don't remember the details but basically no one is going to mysteriously disappear He said that was silly.
These flu's usually are felt the most by third world countries where people don't have access to proper hygiene, nutrition and medical attention. Make sure you wash your hands and avoid crowded places. No reason for panic.
I love the question, please, allow me to thank you for asking it. However, I don't believe that a worldwide flu pandemic could wipe out all human life. Although I do believe it could, and may cause many human beings around the world to die. Revelations is a book that I believe in with everything that I am. Again, thanks for asking such a question. -Jimmydblues
Enough with the rapture crap.
The Swine Flu epidemic is no joking matter.
The WHO set its pandemic alert level at level 3, which means there is an animal virus that occasionally causes human cases but that doesn't spread well between people. If the WHO raises it to 4 or 5, that signals that the swine flu virus is becoming increasingly adept at spreading between humans. That move could lead governments to set trade, travel and other restrictions aimed at limiting the disease's spread.
The WHO's Phase 6 is the pandemic phase, characterized by outbreaks in at least two regions of the world.
First off; it's extremely unlikely that a flu pandemic would wipe out all human life, or even a significant percentage. Humans have been fighting off the flu for a long time, both before and after modern medical science.
Now, I'm an atheist, so I don't expect the Rapture to happen at all, however... if you're a person of faith, then you already have your answer. If God exists, and if he's all-powerful, then surely he would manipulate events in such a way that humanity survived until said Rapture.
Or, God could allow the flu to happen and wipe out most of humanity, in which case you would have Stephen King's novel "The Stand".
In any case, I really wouldn't worry about this at all. While there have been varieties of flu that have killed considerable amounts of people, there's a number of factors to keep any disease from wiping out our entire species.
....and now what
*full closet of brand new Rapture gear and completely
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