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I live in maryland and we have 15 cases of it waiting for there Confirmation for about 1 week and a half now. Why aren't they saying we have it or we don't.


Tee said...

This is an interesting question! I have been watching for this since they first announced they "may have suspected cases" in Maryland - as you said this was well over one week ago - since then many other states have found new suspected cases and confirmed them - nothing has been confirmed in Maryland. If you ask me, that means either that the tests came back negative (the people don't have it) or the results are inconclusive. Definitely the results are NOT confirming the H1N1 or they would have published those results. It doesn't take that long to confirm it although it has to be send to a special lab in the state, to my knowledge you should expect the results to be back within 24-48 hrs.

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