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Is Swine Flu Just A Big Rumor To Jumpstart The Economy By Making People
Spend Money On The Health Industry?
1:49 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Because swine flu is one of the top stories on every news media resource, many people who have normal flus or even colds, are going to the doctor's office or buying lots of medicines and drugs. What if it is a corporate and government sponsored media sensationalized rumor to try and help the boost the global economy?
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no, dude the swine flu is real it's already killed approx. 145 people in mexico and is spreading across the world as we speak.
Besides spending money on the health industry wouldn't be a great boost in the economy since the health sector of the USA is one of the few HEALTHY parts of the economy which is still growing even in this recession. Now if the flu somehow made people buy houses and cars out of some weird panic or something now that's when i would start to think the governments behind it haha.
NO! real people are dieing! PLUS there is NO medicine to cure this virus. NONE! there isn't even a vaccine! & why would mexico get involved? they are a neutral country. this flu is not a 'rumor'. an outbreak similar to this happened way back also. don't tell me that it was also made up back then also to boost the economy!
EDIT: Now it is a global emergency & most people are not going to be willing to travel anywhere for there own wellbeing.
Tourism brings in lots of money, so how is the ecomomy suppose to increase without people spending money on traveling?
Please read this:
i don't think it is just for that. I doubt it is! Its a bit of a distraction to the credit crunch tho isn't it? Every ones forgot about the wars and the lack of money to worry about swine flu.. Also where did it come from? I'm only 26 but in my 26 years on the planet i've never heard of it before. Makes you think someone has made it and released it in new mexico doesn't it? They're making mass graves in America just now.....wonder why they're doing that? Martial law is coming in America. I'll watch the story unravel with interest.
There's a lot of weird stuff happening on the Planet eh
Take care
It's possible, but highly unlikely. About 10 people have died already in Mexico. Schools have been closed, and many other countries have been infected, including the US.
We need to find a vaccine for it quickly or it could spread fast. If you do have it or show any signs of it, contact your doctor immediately.
i thought that it was rumors too but then i found out that it was real because i saw in the news that it was killing more than a dozen people in mexico......... I AM SCARED ): it might just kill everyone.
i heard that it is air born ....SO cover your mouth so you wont get infected. And don't eat pork or touch other people. (OMG LOL)
Its actually freezing the economy buddy..stock markets are stagnating..people are not going out to malls anymore...traveling...etc..airline industry...etc...the economy is bigger than the health industry...
I realize that the government can seem cold and even heartless at times, but I do not believe they would take the lives of innocent people just to get people to spend money on the health industry.
That could be possible but if it's true then, boy, they must paid lots of money to the Mexicans for them to cooperate in on the plan.
Conspiracies...just like the 9/11 theory. dont believe it. and if your making it up yourself, not smart. why would the whole GLOBE be involved? even people in Europe are getting infected.
That`s actually a good motive, but unfortunately, swine flu is real.
Uhmmm.... How about you start watching the news.. So far about 150 people have died from it... Its no rumor.
no. its not that bad in the u.s...compared to mexico. the state with the most outbreaks is NY, with only 8.
no people actually have it
The swine flu is a major current concern. Its obvsly goingt o cost money to prevent it from killing Americans. Its so big that people are reconsidering traveling to and from Mexico to prevent the spread of it. I doupt it has anything to do with money... and if it does, the government is really good at making flus.
So far it killed 149 Mexican citizens, and even though it didn't kill any Americans, about 50 have been treated. In the United States its been detected n 5 states -- so far. Ohio, Texas, New York, Kansas and (i think California).
To prevent this, u must wash ur hands frequently for 15 second with hot water and soap. If u get symptoms such as coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fatique, its best that u seek medical attention, because u and the people around u may be at serious risk. A good treatment medicine for this is Tamiflu. It should only be taken if the symptoms are present.
Almost 50 people in America are being treated for swine flu right now. No deaths occured as of yet. A school in Texas was closed for the day because two students had the flu. The whole school was left to be sanitized. IN New York, almost 30 students were discovered to have the flu, which is a large number that has America concerned.
Europeans are having second thought about coming to America, and Mexicans and Americans are having second thoughts about going to Mexico. Airlines to and from Mexico are allowing people to change their flight plans for free because of this.
This may become a pandemic, and it may become one fast. So stay cautious and alert. Check in with ur local news at least once a day and see if theres any updates about the flu and if anyone in ur state has become at risk.
Take care...
And keep up that good thinking babe! Creative mind u got there...
The symptoms of the Swine Flu are as follows:
You won't feel any symptoms, you will die as soon as you're infected. Your blood will fill your lungs and you will drown.
The way to prevent the Swine Flu:
You can't. If you catch it, you will most certainly die.
Wow, I never even considered it. You should keep with what you are thinking because it may just be right.
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