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Harry Smith spoke with a Texas family who contracted Swine flu but are recovering without difficulty. Dr. Jennifer Ashton outlined the symptoms of swine flu.


sgillham03cobra said...

1976 swine flu vaccination produced a large number of people with guillain barre syndrome a disease that attacks the nervous system and kills so you wanna get in line for the shots have fun

OwenCoyle1 said...

omg it int even bad normal flu is worse than swine flu i've had them both god i duno y so many ppl r worried bout it

Sinpup79 said...

Swine Flu has killed a few hundred in North America. Regular Flu kills 50,000 in north america every year. WAKE UP.

EarthaKit2 said...

Why don't you, people in the U.S. read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. THe book and his vids are online.The U.S.> Corp. hv been taking..hell, stealing , the Natural Resources of Latin Amer. since the 50s. Corp. like Dole, and Chiquita Banana hv been stealing land fr the Indians forcing conversion to pineapple and banana production, & NOTHING ELSE. Forcing people to work for pennies. Keeping us POOR, so the Amer people can live high off the hog.

EarthaKit2 said...

We CAN and WILL defeat these mad reptiles with the Science of the Spoken Word:please give this prayer with me:"In the name of the GREAT I AM THAT I AM within all, our Divine Self, I ask for Lord Shiva, destroyer of evil, to confound and dissolve the evil plans, means and equipment of all enemies of freedom, foreign and domestic, and that we be protected from all harm and evil daily; in the name of Jesus, it IS done; amen!"For more info ..... Google the Summit Lighthouse website.

EarthaKit2 said...

the only reason swine flu exists, is because of countries which have poor demographics. For one reason or another conspiracy or not that is the case. America should be ashamed to supposedly have this many cases. The swine flu is just as any other flu is. It has the same death rate as any other flu. People just die from the flu mostly infants and the elderly in the US that is. But in other countries people die due to lack of healthcare and money, that is just how it is , I'm sorry.

tommyboysailor333 said...

NO THIS flu has developed into airbourne also its a killer also it has more recipters on the flue bug and can spread more easier

dsmrider said...

there are 2 things that are being over developed on the media.. the swine flu and Michael Jackson's death/family.  They claim they can't leave the house as well as having people enter the house. The camera crew is there and that's a fact without a doubt. Michael Jackson's remains, inheritance, and his children are none of our business and/or our concern. I for one would rather know issues around the world and maybe some deeper journalism... i hope you care for more.

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