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The most up-to-date information on the swine flu and how you can protect yourself and your family is available on Sen. Cornyn's website,


truthaboutflu said...

truth about flu masks

mannlowe said...

The world health organization . The government, theDepartment of health and human services ,on down the line {might include Dept. of homeland security} knows there is going to be a pandemic, and are preparing for it. how?,because they are going to cause it. Been doing some research .might be a 3 part series vaccine not sure aimed at the pregnant, the elderly and unemployed for obvious reasons. vaccine contains DNA altering or deadly virus.

KatyCountryGirl said...

I apprecieate this!! Thank you Senator CornynThanks!!~Katy

SpiritDT said...

Thank You for your video & email regarding the Swine Flu. It's scarey to think we are sending out precautions of going to Mexico but not stopping them from coming to Texas.Shut the borders! IF they get sick there, stay there and get well, get medical help you need then come home.Don't bring it back to the rest of your state. If you plan to go to Mexico, then STAY THERE- you know about the Swine Flu before you go!

wushanninin said...

and if we work then we should get paid for it

iscar25 said...

The problem with closing the border is that we all know how ineffective that actually is. I do not mean to belittle the work of our Border Patrol, who are doing all they can, but the fact of the matter is that individuals would nonetheless manage to continue crossing the border even if we close it.

cdenver said...

In 1918 there was a virus called the "Spanish Flu" an influenza A virus strain of subtype H1N1.This Swine flu is the "Spanish Flu" with a different name. It was given a different name not only for counter-intelligence reasons, but also not to cause panic. Swine Flu is the SAME, it is the H1N1.On September 16, 2008, the body of Yorkshire landowner Sir Mark Sykes was exhumed to study the RNA of the Spanish flu virus in efforts to understand the genetic structure of modern H5N1 bird flu.

adamzude said...

I'm not sure we can come to that conclusion quite yet. Yes, this is an H1N1 Influenza A virus, but many different mutant strains in this classification exist. The typical seasonal flu is also an H1N1 strain (albeit a human virus). According to information being released by the CDC and WHO, this virus is not as virulent (aggresive in terms of how sick it makes people) compared to the Spanish flu and H5N1 Avian flu. Hopefully we won't see the type of catastrpohic impact the Spanish flu had.

united768 said...

Still, this new H1N1 virus is less deadly than the virus involved in the 1918 pandemic. Again, the 1918 pandemic started with a mild stain in the spring, but a deadlier strain is the fall. I predict that this will happen this year too, but the modern world has the means to restrain the flu from spreading.

JessBottles said...

Thank you Senator Cornyn! Your message here, emailed info, and information on your website is greatly appreciated! To be cautious, but do not panic is certainly the wisest thing for all to do. Best wishes to you and yours :D Jess

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