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The virus is an influenza A virus, carrying the designation H1N1 and is spreading from person to person. It contains D...


sharkredtooth said...

Well now i know 3 types of sickness: - Swine flu or A H1 N1, which was also discovered that the H (pig part) has up to 16 grades or kinds of levels, like H4, H6, H7... H16 and the N has up to 13 levels, like N4, N5, N8... N10!!! So its even more deadly- Some wired new plague that was discovered in China which is called "The Pneumonic Plague"- Now a new and evolved HIV... what the fuck dude!!! ... i guess the poeple who predicted the 2012 diseases were right!!!

romo502 said...

BAXTER has a plant 50 miles from ground zero of H1N1 in Mexico? They patented the vaccine in 2007?google it. Evil BAXTER

chino909310 said...

The truth is that thousands of people allready die from Flu worldwide.Only several 100 people died from this Flu. This Flu had not been active for over 60 years.You need a host to keep this alive, and for one to infect another for 60 years.So this means that this flu had to be active in over 9,000 people over the past 60 years.There have been no reported cases in the last 60 years. Who released this bac into population?? Come on 911 was staged by US government. See Loose Change & PBS.

chino909310 said...

H1N1 is a good way for Globalization lead to a new world. USA & allies agree that killing, sacrificing, and experimenting on a few is a good way for humanity to prosper. They believe that their ability to control catastrophic events can be deemed in a way as in to assure the well-being of Humanity at a global scale. We are headed toward a road of complete mind-control and conditioning to be something we are not. Freedom and Liberty are slowly changing to Acceptance and Conformism.

sk8addiction said...

It's weird to see how racism builds up when media succeeds to fear the people. Stop blaming each other and keep your facts right. The only thing I worry about is if the vaccins are somehow infected with something...

K9STD said...

There always been people dieying each year with flu, now they're simply paying more attention to it. The media loves to scare, instead of just talking about the infected people since the beggining of the outbreak why don't they talk about the thousands that already recovered from it?

stonecold441 said...

Lol this is like very very lame keep talking when are they going to stop talking abot the h1h1 Lol

johnnysast said...

mexico city looks cool...

lollygirlzzz said...

oh my gosh i'm a singaporean and now my country has got it too!bout 160+i think!!!i hope that those who got the flu will survive!!!

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