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bu5 said...

Singapore has cases of swineflu but so have countries except some do not report about the number of cases.
Cleanest is top priority for one not to catch viruses. So keep oneself clean, wash hands with soap, eat healthily will keep you healthy anywhere you are!!!
The number of cases have really been blown out of proportion!!!

j t said...

YES IT IS!!! Dont worry so much about H1N1. i got it and i live in singapore and i survived it without even taking tamiflu, just cough and fever medicine. everyone is making too big a deal about H1N1. you shouldnt worry so much and come to singapore. anyway, it is EXTREMELY clean here so really, dont worry so much. we live life as per normal here(:

CATFISH( said...

Singapore is one the of cleanest and most crime free countries in the world. You shouldn't have to worry about quality of food, or the conditions you would be staying in.
Also Swine Flu is blown WAY out of proportion also, if you catch symptoms early it is incredibly easy to treat.

Pat said...

H1N1 has reached even the remotest corner of the world. unless you are visiting us from the Moon or Mars, Singapore is probably as safe as where you are coming from,

Y2K said...

Ignore boom. There is no risk here. Singapore govt is being extra careful. You should come and enjoy yourself.

Ash said...

yes it's ok to go to singapore coz H1N1 is around the world even in ur home country; moreover, there r so far less than 10 death so not to worry unlike america

vijay said...

Yes, its safe to come. Its not a massive outbreak and life goes on as usual here.

Rynnah said...

Go anywhere in the world now there are H1N1(please, no longer called swine flu). The most safe place is your home.

AllanK said...

a lot of people died of swine flu in sg....

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