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Already some crazy conspiracy theories out there that this is some plan of Obama's to let him take away our guns. You know if he can pull this off in the first 100 days of being in office, he really must have his stuff together. With conservative whackos claiming conspiracy, it's no wonder some republicans are switching over.


Obamas Shoes said...

Any shooter knows you don't "clutch" a gun. You need a lighter touch. As does a bible.

Nikki said...

We are moving towards socialism.
When are they going to mail us our brown shirts and arm bands?
You won't get to read the bible anymore, after the "Fuhrer" burns them all.
Oh you can also get your copy of the "Pocket Obama", the daily readings here...
Hmmm I remember reading that communist dictator, Mao used to give out little red books, with his writings also.

Martin said...

I do not take clutching my Bible as the insult you mean it to be. Since when in this country is it okay to be disrespectful of people's beliefs? I not only see it as our right in the constitution, but as a token of respect between our citizens.
I also don't put gun control in the same category as religion. It was a stupid thing when Obama said it in the first place. It is asinine to keep repeating it.

dsan said...

Its because they are leaning too far right in their way of thinking. You see it every second on this site as proof.

Jani said...

what's the most recession proof job:
gun salesman
those fundies have been going crazy every since O got elected, buying up guns and ammo driving prices through the roof. it's hilarious

ARTIST said...

We can't shoot a virus.

Unka Dano said...

what in Christ's name does the flu and guns have in common?

mer_359 said...

Jesus was a man of peace and he also healed the sick. Guess they aren't followers of him after all, are they?

Et cetera said...

they will listen to what the prophet limbaugh tells them

Uncle Billy 6 said...

gun nuts use any excuse to try to eliminate all control of weapons of any sort. thanks to the NRA and its lackeys, this country is one of the most dangerous places on earth.

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