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I was wondering what would happen if there was a bird flu pandemic. I have this friend who can make up weird stories sometimes, and she told me that they were going to lock us in our houses and only vaccinate people from 19-35 years old. This kinda got me wondering what will happen if a pandemic happens. I'm kinda freaked out because I've heard so much about how bad it is and would be, and how slow the vaccines are coming out.


Live_For said...

Short of vaccination, isolation is the only way to avoid an airborne viral pandemic.
It would be quite bad in mortality and illness, but with a little luck, containment can stop a pandemic in its tracks, if we learn about it soon enough.
Otherwise, hunker down and stay out of circulation.

Lucy said...

It would be a smart move for you to buy some masks and disposable gloves now and put them away, because when it does eventually happen, there will be a big rush on these two items and people will be unable to get them. So be smart and buy them now. Cheers

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