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if you get it(and you dont know,you just feel like you have a cold)
could you just take panadol/ecineachea to get better??
PS i think the injection yoke will end up killing more people then the actual flu..:P


Trust me I'm a Doctor ♥ said...

i really doubt it, panadol will only make your body think your
not in pain swine flu is a virus,
they prescribe tamiflu but to be honest i think you would probably
know the difference in a runny nose and swine flu
Whatever you do don't go to the doctor though if
you really think you have it ring them, if you go to the
surgery and your infected your spreading it

brown hair blue eyes<3 said...

Yes you can and please do, and tell us all how you get on, be an interesting experiment to see if you get better or not, I'll be waiting with baited breath.

Im Irish Get Me Outta Here! said...

They proscribe the anti-viral drug Tamiflu normally. While I don't think anyone should be complacent about it and should definitively seek the anti-viral treatment as soon as possible when the symptoms begin to show (the first two days are key to making a rapid recovery afaik), I agree that there an obvious global hype going on too.
Even on channel 4 news other day a skeptical doctor pointed out that the WHO had actually lowered its original definition of what constituted a pandemic to announce this outbreak to be one. You'd have to wonder why and to whose gain?

Kfev said...

I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty confident that a painkiller or a herb would be useless against any strain of the flu virus.
Granted, echichnea (sp) is said to ward off the cold, but once the symptoms of a virus are present then it's more or less too late to do anything.

I should be doing something else said...

It's really getting serious, my sister had a swine flu scare but she turned out to be fine. No, you can't take panadol it's a virus. No one I know has it but I'm incredibly close to a street that is infested with it.

Dan M (Underneath The Waves) said...

You can take Panadol to relieve symptoms like headaches, but that's not going to cure you of any virus, even normal flu/colds. If you're worried, see a doctor.

tzddean said...

yea it is very serious at the moment,i think panadol wouldnt help its seems 2 b a very serious virus, i myself am goin 2 greece in august and my very worried nw if i should go or not

Ant7 said...

Well seriously now like, what do you think?
If people could just take a plain ole panadol the illness would not be so serious, killing people, come on GROW UP!

Mise said...

Panadol wouldn't cure a cold or the normal flu as they are virus's so the answer is no.
I really hope this is a troll question, i fear for humanity if people as stupid as this are roaming free....

Saoirse :♉: said...

It might help the symptons, but probably not the virus. Might be better than tamiflu...that thing ends up making a lot of people even sicker.

Emma said...

It's highly contagious. Get yourself to a doctor if you think you have it.

Orla C said...

go to the doctors and he'll give you what you need

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