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This video explains WHY the risk posed by "Swine Flu" (A9 H1N1) is being classified as "mild"

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"Swine Flu" (A9 H1N1) is a hybrid of the following influenza strains...


truthaboutflu said...

swine flu protective masks - see videos here!

daviddavidh123 said...

How does the government know there is going to be a pandemic anyways? Because they are part of it ,they are planning it. The H1N1 is no more deadly at this time than any other virus . people can make judjments in there own lives without having a scientific background ,or just happening to be in that field, especially if your life might be in danger from corruption or evil, not a virus.The social/political/economic situation we are having is not unrelated to this, its leading up to this.

daviddavidh123 said...

H1N1 is a man made virus ..... to scare people in getting vaccinated with a deadly virus..... gene altering and possibly a micro chip. main targets will be pregnant women the elderly and the unemployed for obvious reasons . the world heath organization the the FDA are all controlled by the government if you want to call it that. the government/corporate/pharmacy controlled networks on tv are going to use scare tactics to scare you into getting vaccinated.might be a 3 part vaccine .

mannlowe said...

What is your scientific background, what education do you have in this field? if none then how can you make a judgment like that?

magnersnice said...

just my thoughts.. but i will take them back now after realizing it,s nothing but propaganda!! money-money-money thats what it,s really about...Thats all the world is about these days-money-greed-murder....

12yep3412 said...

True...from 3 epidemicsnumber one killed 20-100 millionnumber two killed 2 millionnumber three killed 1 millionThis one? 50000 is my guess

magnersnice said...

Well, i have H1N1 Influenza type A and im feeling great like nothing happened partially because we discovered it the first day it attacked me and the medcine works very well its called "Tamiflu" and im feeling great in 5 days i will be as good as new!

fauszto said...

Tamiflu is not a medicine... it stops you passing it on that is it.

magnersnice said...

July 27th, 2009Daily Mail reports on UK government swine flu vaccination advisor who sits on board of company whose vaccines are classified as bioweapons under EU and US regulations.The mainstream UK newspaper, the Daily Mail, reports today that Professor Sir Roy Anderson, a government advisor who has recommended mass vaccination against the swine flu, is a paid director + shareholder of GlaxoSmithKline, one of the vaccine company expected to earn as much as billion pounds from its vaccines.

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