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Don't sucumb to Swine Flu ( Pig Flu ).

Get advice on Pig Flu Symptoms and treatment.

H1N1 virus and other Avian Flu mutations


robdaman08 said...

the wolf said "ill huff and ill puff and ill blow your house down" the pigs said " go away or ill sneeze on you"

youngbleeb said...

shop at your local piggly wiggly!

naughtystepUGC said...

I can be mild in one person yet kill another depending upon the invidual. There are also shed loads of other viruses going around, noone knows what they've got or whether to stay in quanrantine. They don't swab you where I live, so its a guessing game.

naughtystepUGC said...

PS can't spell or type right now. This is because I've got a sore throat and a headache from reading up on the symptoms of H1N1.

Strategos300 said...

Pig Flu is not that serious the news want's it to be.It's just like a regular flu that can be cured. Typical....

susiQ75 said...

Poor ignorant!

susiQ75 said...

Please get real..........getting stories from enquirer is not real. Don't read garbage like that and then repeat it. Plus today Drs. announce that the virus is not growing stronger. It won't be like the spanish influenza that kill millions. people are going to get sick and there probably be more deaths but not millions. People that do die have shown that they have underlining health issues. But good luck anyways.

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