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Laura Ling goes to Vietnam, the frontline in the fight against bird flu, to see what the government and people are doing to ward off a possible pandemic.


fiercefunky said...

Glad they made it home safely. Hope this doesn't stop Laura and Euna from continuing on as journalists.

VictimOfBoredom said...

Well, so much for the "bird flu pandemic".

kburch85 said...

You know, I think I was watching all of these videos when I first found out about Current TV. Then when I saw the report about her and Lee being detained I was like "I know her!"Pretty freakin' sad....I'm with Various8 I hope they release them soon, but I'm not seeing that happening...

various8 said...

I hope Laura ling and Euna Lee are freed soon it would be a gesture of humanity

wisdom32 said...

cute girl in yellow at 6:18 :D

aibk317 said...

wait... laura ling is out from north korea right now right?im worried o.o

y2knoproblem said...


sailoveshanna said...

They had supposedly crossed the border into N Korea from China to interview N Korean dissidents, and they got caught. The full charges are unclear, but its obvious that the N Koreans are using them as bargaining chips for concessions with the US.

thebox193 said...

Freaky, thank you.

jaydovee said...

supposedly crossed into North Korea Lets go all the way they are supposedly being used as bargaining chips.Lets also say they are supposedly reporters.They were trying to create a border war between China and North Korea more likely than doing a story

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