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On August 6, during a National Pandemic Preparedness Planning Webinar for the workplace, Kevin Burton, CEO of Burton Asset Management, characterized Infowars as a group of crazies disseminating con...


CookieElmora said...

I'm willing to risk dying of the h1n1 flu naturally. You all can take the shot. They should let Dr. Ron Paul innoculate the Obamas on national tv...maybe then we would all feel safe. How about it, Barack?

Sniper2008009 said...

okay first off, if you people really think that this H1N1 flu vaccine is gonna work then why don't you inoculate yourselves then? If the vaccinations do work then why bother us who don't take it? Mathematically speaking, if enough people take the vaccine then there won't be a need for panic then because you won't be affected by the virus and the disease won't spread in pandemic levels..

eslake said...

Okay, if everyone who doesn't want the vaccine is a conspiracy nut...Explain why Squaline is in the vaccine.It causes an autoimmune responce that can NEVER be reversed once it starts, and is the key substance blamed for Gulf War Syndrom.

DasGreenCow said...

I believe there is a real threat. There have been real deaths. The only thing that they are telling us is there is a chance that it will be like the the influenza virus we had back during the first world war. And yes it is being blown out of proportion. This is NOT Mad Cow. And no, not everything is a conspiracy.

hevidt said...

lets keep this rolling. awesome vid.

boltville said...

5 Stars and this guy is crazy and a terrorist against the ordinary citizen. I say we give him a big double double shot. lol

SazzyLilWoman said...

These people are the psychopaths. The American government is being run by some nasty people who care about business and not about human lives. I guess if Obama cared he wouldn't have screwed the economy with bail outs and his health plan is going to ruin America. Well, Obama is Jewish and that's the problem.

vashwc said...

Sazzy: Why isn't Obongo's mama roots being Khazarian never mentioned?Satan Head mama + Satan Head papa = Satan Head Obongo.There is "bad head" after all.

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