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Mass Quarantines.. The virus keeps morphing... They're setting up military teams.. But... How about the Posse Comitatus Act??


kprofscrts said...

nice video but the repetition needs to go. however, i suggest you repost this video as REAL SEX VIDEO ON YOUTUBE...this way you will capture many viewers

DrewV454 said...

I'm having a very difficult time keeping this video posted on my channel... it has been removed from at least 5 sources.


your right on I've been researching a puzzle for a year... this is one piece... google 4winds us in panic after chemtrail plane is forced down...someone told me to google it i did and my mouth dropped also google jane burgermeister she tells the whole story on who's responsible for swine flew outbreak--she filed criminal charges against powerful people and organizations involved...check it out all you last note god bless 4our time is near!!!!

netgooroo said...

sorry, that was i-openers(dot)netthere ya go. ;)

netgooroo said...

Hey man, thanks for posting this.. and this is JUST the beginning. Come October, lots more stuff is going to be happening. I feel your frustration with others not heading your words. Trust me, been there, done that.. All we can do is try and spread what truth we have. It's up to the rest of the populous to head what we are sharing or not. We can't force em to do sh|t. Anyway, come check us out.. i-openers(dot)com Thanks again for posting this.

nifka72 said...

crashmags account is closed,go figure

SuccessServices said...

What did you edit out at 1:47?

enslavetherich said...

I'm sorry I did not edit anything out.. In the extra info of this video, there is a link pointing back at the original video.. As it was first displayed on Youtube by the user /Crashmagproductions.. I hope that will help you.. :)

SuccessServices said...

Whats so damn funny?... Just before your clip begins, Shepard Smith says that they are no longer going to call it Swine Flu but rather H1N1 because of the economic damage to the pork industry. Only moments later as your video begins, Shep himself again calls it Swine flu.. which is why the other people on the set laugh at him.

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