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Congressman Paul gives his perspective on the swine flu issue


bowled88 said...

so why they want to give people a harmful vaccine?

profesas said...

thanks to the efforts of men like Congressman Paul.

LiteWaiter said...

"Ordo ab Chao"Idiotic wars.Tremendous financial chaos.An orchestrated pandemic of a mild flu...They create a mess and come with an orderly solution:the New World Order.

gittenlucky said...

This guy is a genius.  His points are all fact based. You can not argue with his logic and facts.

UNTC321 said...

paul is a fake or a coward, where is he on 911. He has only called for a new investigation.

solomon4451 said...

a new investigation is the first step

miLLer3873 said...

Just because a few government programs failed in the past doesn't mean it shouldn't get involved in emergency situations. Capitalists... all you want is for private company owners to profit off of human lives.

GulagMudkip said...

I wonder what Mr Paul has to say about the Jane Bergermeister case. She names all the deadly gang and which companies stood to gain. Mr Romsfeld's company BAXTER AG of Austria. And the continuing loss of freedom in the USA. The exact same thing is happening in England right now.

truthbetoldni said...

I respect and appreciate u sharing what u know and your opinion. I am just waking up to this, please work against gov't control over medical emergencies, fear mongering, etc.... Let us take back the America we really want and stop sitting by while the elitists run the show.

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