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We read that government advice to the nation to combat the SwineFlu pandemic is to carry a tissue and a bottle of anti-bacterial gel... er is that enough ? was that the UK governments advice during the Bubonic plague and Black Death as well ?
Source: National and local government handouts


17pdr said...

Since I work with Kleenex - the tissue maker - I have learned a lot about the flu virus and how it spreads.
The things you listed are good to have on hand. But do remember that there is a difference between Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral. For instance, Kleenex makes this tissue called Kleenex Anti-Viral, and that means that it will kill 99.9% of the flu bug inside of the tissue. Anti-bacterial products are also good to have on hand, however they do not kill the flu virus (as their name suggests, they kill bacteria).
Just remember that the best thing that you can do is to take all the necessary precautions. But at the same time, you've got to remember to keep living your life.

Jeff T said...

They hadn't invented tissues and anti-bacterial gel then.
Ever since I can remember I've been aware that sneezing, coughing and spitting was detrimental to health.
I could honestly slap people who do it. Do they not realise how offensive it is to others, particularly when it's done in your face?
Continuing to follow the governments instructions re: the above could help arrest or cut-down a great number of illnesses/viruses after the Swine Flu has been and gone.
I urge people to continue.

dawn-cho said...

Hahaha the problem with Antibacterial gel is that it doesn't kill all bugs. Some bugs are killed with soap & water and not hand gel. Or alcohol rub.
C Diff doesn't like soap & water whereas using an alcohol rub isn't very effective with it.
I gotta say, I went to go get hand gel (I carry it around on nights out.. pub toilets get so filthy..!) & there was hardly any left...
Btw, antibac gels aren't always as effective as they say there are ;)

Helly Moo has lost her voice said...

A gas mask and a bottle of fresh air would be more appropriate,flu is AIR BORN! I laughed at these adverts and at the same time thought what a waste of tax payers money. Maybe the government want a bit more of our hard earned cash by scaring us in to buying anti-bacterial gel.Has to be something in for them!

My Grain said...

Basic barrier routines and good hygiene really are effective. A bit of common sense and consideration added in and we should all be fine.
So yes, it really is that simple.

Andi C said...

Tissue may do you some good, anti-bacterial gel won't. Influenza (swine or not) is a virus, not a bacteria.

harry k said...

It is good advice for the prevention of many of the viruses out there,just a shame so many people ignore it or don't care

Stevie said...

Be old news next week what an incredible waste of money this scaremongering few weeks have been. Be worried about money again instead

alsgypo said...

good to follow these instructions to protect yourself.

Sali said...

I thought that was to clean up after a ham? Oh well clueless as ever.

Hypocrit said...

It's good advice, what's your issue with it?

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