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filya puta said...

For that you may as well read 100% as I don't think there'd be enough people left to sustain a human population. Mind you, there'd be endless time for those left to get closure on settling who was to blame and having a nice meeting to discuss who would be on the committee for re-population. No excuses for not paying taxes, we'd all know where every one left lived. No more global warming, no internet-hah, no more YA! crikey.
Oooh, no more WAGS, OK/HELLO mags, we'd have to eat real food as McD's and Coke/Pepsi etc gone. Hmm, at first I was thinking it would all be a bad thing, but now....well as long as you guarantee George Clooney still survives, count me in the 10%, oh you won't be there too will you?

kuta said...

No,I'm just as miserable as you are. The world needs a war or something to cleanse it.Even if I go with be it. Besides swineflu will not wipe out the population but the 'vaccine' may which the government is trying to scaremonger us in to.This may kill off a lot of the population which is what the governments are aiming for.

My Grain said...

Have you considered a career in the NHS ?
I think it will certainly come down hardest on those already infected with HIV / Aids - as their immunity is low anyway.
...... Maybe this was planned .
I read today that Tamiflu - the golden bullet - just reduces the symptoms by one day. - So what is the point compared to possibly fatal side effects ?

Mr. P said...

No, Bill Mayer is probably right in there with you as well as Javier Solana and other champions of the New World Order. There are a number of high priests and priestess' in the occult and new age religion who have the same dream as you do; so you are not alone.

the old dog said...

I raise my hand sheepishly.
Me, too.
I would prefer it was those who are inherently wicked, war-mongers, lying no-good lazy arrogant wastes of valuable air, those who cause harm, profit from pain & suffering but I'm not really that fussed.

Nutsters said...

Are those the 90% of people you don't know? How would you feel if you were one of those 90% and who would run the country, grow the food and get their hands dirty?

Biedronk said...

Well the world needs a population check, especially in some parts of the world that are waaay overpopulated but not enough food, water, jobs etc.
But 90% is overkill lol!

starlight starbright said...

It will wipe you out if u think like that, U people killer, be ashamed, u can hate me if u want.

Assist said...

Even if you, your family and 'friends' (if you have any), are within that 90%?
I would say you probably are!

secondha said...

Let me guess, the ten percent u don't want wiped out is your "family", who raised u sooo well, by the way...

Ms. Sunshine said...

Shoosh. You need them to work for you.

Lo ♥♥♥ said...

you're not no. see when people freak out about the end of the world i think it will be a glorious day.

bumbelin said...

Are you Nick Griffin or one of his deadhead followers? there is a Swiss clinic for people like you.

faithful said...

Not if u call Satan a "person".

Roger said...

yeah probably

slowbasi said...

Wow, you must work for the government.

Lucy♥ said...

Hopefully if it does , you'll be in that number.

Pyar said...

So long as your one of them, I won't care.
Cheerful ******, ain't you?

Beastie said...

It's not on my Christmas wish list.

T said...

Yes you are.

Lady Teatimer said...

Yes you are.

MReady thisday said...

Would you care to elaborate on that?

Helen S said...

No, I'm sure you'll find a few others in the asylum..

SBD said...

lets hope your one of the 90%.

cannybiz said...

I hope you are the only one Are you well?

dustee said...

No and I hope I'm one of them.

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