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rdcfrdcf said...

Great Info Alex, and nice post user. Thank you.Just A Thought: During this 'outbreak', they handed out face masks to the public. This is to get the public used to the idea that this is the norm during virus outbreaks. However, please beware - if/when they release the 'real' (deadly) virus, those masks will more than likely be impregnated with the virus itself. How better to spread it than via your own protection against it? You always have to think one step ahead with these evil bastards.

I23ad said...

watch?v=1RJyQJp06r0&feature=ch annel_pagedisinformation is everywhere

samsamsonsoy said...

Research before you medicate or vaccinate! A few actual cases and a ton of misdiagnosed cases would be very easy. Most people would just assume they had a pathogen present.

samsamsonsoy said...

Wireless mind control and psycho-tronic technology can be used to replicate bodily expressions of illness. People who believe they are infected need to have verification performed to ensure a virus or bacteria is even present. Remember "ENERGY KILLS" when it is targeted at an individual and can cause a lot of confusion in people as to causes of death. Pain, dizziness, coughing, dehydration, swelling, vomiting, fever, these are all symptoms of both flu and a psycho-tronic attack.

ellokote760 said...

NOPE U ARE WRONG my friend he simply endorses the good stuff left in our republic he is preparing us and helping us out he is a true patriot and u are an Obamanoid as we call them we also call them brown shirts in resemblence to the Adolf hitler!

samlaunch said...

Silver won't work: we don't have werewolves infecting people! In a lab, silver has killed all viruses it has been tested against. I prefer the vitamin cure. The Swine Flu will kill hundreds of millions of people. I like Alex Jones: he warned about 9/11 in July of 2001. He told the U.S. Government not to do it and they did it anyway: see Alex Jones 9/11 (Youtube) video. Good luck!

breedofthe45 said...

its designed to kill - look into eugenics and the book ecoscience

dr00min said...

can you please explain to me in simple language about the swine flue and the vaccination. what do you mean- it's designed to kill??? where would I find this book?

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