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- How Deadly Is The Swine Flu Pandemic?
- Has The Who Announced A Pandemic Of Swine Flu?
- During This Flu Pandemic Should I Avoid Public Tra...
- Why Did The Media Completely Blow Out Of Proportio...
- What Would Happen If The Swine Flu Reaches A Level 6?
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- How Can I Cash In On The Swine Flu Epidemic?
- Will Jerry Lewis Be Responsible For The Upcoming S...
- What Did Not The Usa Do During The 1918 Spanish Fl...
- Do You Think That The Avian Flu Will Turn Into A P...
- Should I Go To The Doctor For Treatment Of Mild Sw...
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- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding A(h1n1) Flu Virus?
- If Joy Is Contagious, Then How Does One Start A Pa...
- What Do I Do If I Have A Really Good Chance At Get...
- Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico Stirs Fears Of A Pand...
- How Long Are You Contagious When You Have Swine Flu?
- Why Would The Media Make Up A Swine Flu Pandemic?
- How Can We Effective Address The Hiv/aids Pandemic...
- Why Do People Die From The Swine Flu?
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- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
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- Will President Obama's Teleprompter Tell Him To Te...
- Should The United States Close It's Border With Me...
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- Is This The Result Of Pandemic Complacency And Apa...
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- Is It True That The Swine Flu Is Only Deadly To Th...
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- What Australian City Is Destroy All Humans 2 Devel...
- Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs...
- How Many Cases Does It Need To Make A Pandemic?
- Do You Think That Our Federal, State And Local Gov...
- How Do They Test You For The Swine Flu?
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- Do You Think That The H5n1 Virus (also Known As Bi...
- Instead Of "h1n1" For The "swine Flu" To Not Offen...
- Should I Go On My Spain Trip With The Swine Flu Pa...
- Are You Concerned About A Swine Flu Pandemic?
- How Can A Virus Such As The Swine Flu Just All Of ...
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- Whats Your Opinion On The Swine Flu? Scared Or Do ...
- Can H1n1 Survive In Hot Places?
- What's Your Opinion On The Swine Flu Outbreak/pand...
- " Swine Flu " Is This The New Disease That Is Goin...
- Who To Benefit From Pamdemic Of Swineflu/h1n1 Situ...
- Will The Swine Flu Become A Global Pandemic?
- What's Your Reaction On The Church's Response To I...
- Influenza A (h1n1) Now Crosses From Humans To Pigs...
- Why Did George Bush Sign The Treaty To Hand Over P...
- Could The Swine Flu Be A Coincidence To?
- Eating Raw Foods While There Is An H1n1 Outbreak.?
- What Is The Difference Between A "pandemic" And An...
- How Long After Contracting It Do The Symptoms Of S...
- Why Is There A Push To Change The Name Of The Curr...
- Will The Swine Virus Reach A Pandemic Status?
- I Have Cough, Does This Mean I Might Have A(h1n1) ...
- In Order To Protect My Family, Exactly What Can I ...
- Is It Save To Go To Nyc With The Swine Flu Situati...
- How Do Experts Predict The Mortality Rate Of A Fut...
- What Is The Swine Flu? Where Is The Most Infected ...
- Are Any Of You Worried About The Swine Flu Pandemic?
- Why Was It Switched From Swine Flu To H1n1?
- How Long Will It Take Chi Guy To Blame Bush For Th...
- Do You Think The Will Be A Big Pandemic In The Nex...
- Wasn't Swine Flu Easier To Say Than H1n1 Virus?
- What Is Your Opinion Regarding The Current Situati...
- If You Get Swine Flu Now, Will You Be Immune To Po...
- I Want An H1n1 Virus, How To You Get One?
- Egyptoans:what Do U Think Of Wearing Mask For Avoi...
- Is There Enough Cases Of The Swine Flu To Even Be ...
- Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Ag...
- Why Isn't The Old/regular Flu Vaccine Effective Ag...
- When Will The Who Go To Phase 6 Of The Pandemic?
- What Are The Symptoms Of The Swine Flu Or H1n1????
- Is The Government Creating This Pandemic On Purpos...
- Who Is The Celebrity Who Got Infected By Virus H1n1?
- What Is This Swine Flu Pandemic About?
- Do You Think That All The Talk Over A Bird Flu Pan...
- How Long Does It Take For Swine Flu Symptoms To Ap...
- Tax Conspiracy Theory, Is This The Most Widespread...
- Did The Mexican Drug Cartel Wars End Or Did Swine ...
- Im Doing A Report On The Possibility Of An Avian(b...
- Can You Pass Swine Flu Before Symptoms Are Present?
- If The Swine Flu Becomes A Pandemic As Predicted?
- Is My Child At Risk Of Swine Flu If We Have Spent ...
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This a very complicated scenario that can take place within the United States. I will try to give you a brief run-down of the worst case scenario and most mild case scenario.
Currently being at level 5, the United States already has the authority to implement martial law and mandated inoculations. They can initiate road blocks and limit transport between states and other nations.
In the event we reach level 6, this would most likely give the government the opportunity to finally declare a full martial law state. For a long time the New World Order has been trying to figure out a way to crush the united state. When the US collapses, it will open the doors for a complete takeover. If you refuse to take the flu shot (which you should, More people die from the shots than the actual sickness), you will be quarantined and labeled a threat or terrorist.
I don't want to scare you, but this is serious. Not so much for the virus itself but the amount of power turned over to the Feds. They will have the opportunity to control every aspect of your life. Do your research and realize our governments problems are not party related, but much higher up the food chain. Because of these individuals, we are in trouble. An ounce of preparation is better than a pound of misery.
Not so bad Scenario:
Things will stay just as they are. There would just be strict restrictions to travel between countries and states with infection.
I hope this was of some help.
More information on what is actually going on can be found at or
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US Citizen Truth
Level 6 means a full blown, world wide pandemic.
It depends on how strong the virus is. Right now it is mild, hopefully it stays that way. If it is mild, a lot of people will get some mild flu symptoms, and the virus will kill itself out after a few weeks, if everyone practices good infection control, that is.
If it mutates and becomes stronger, we could be in trouble. Yes, schools will close, as will any type of large gathering.Ie. restaurants, movie theaters, stores. People will be instructed to stay home for at least a week. Level 5 means that a pandemic is imminent. We are trying to keep it a mild one though.
There will not be zombies!!! Phase 6 means that we are in a full blown pandemic and we can expect to see closure of schools and public events e.g. concerts cancelled around the world. The most important people e.g. the PM and teh royal family will be put in safe places and there will be a lottery to see who gets into hospital if they become ill because the NHS will be overwhelmed. Governments around the world will continue to say "there is no need to panic" when there clearly is. The ONLY thing YOU can do is make your preparation NOW becausee the WHO only need to see human to human transmission in at least 3 countries then we go to Phase 6 (the first in history) and that could be as soon as tomorrow night.
Schools might close, and so might certain businesses. It means a global pandemic is happening and people should be very careful. If you live in a heavily affected area and this happens, wear a mask, stay at home more, and don't panic!
If we reach level 6 [Hopefully never]
-Schools will close until level drops
-Most businesses will close until level drops
-Hospitals will be overcrowded
-Possible power surges in neighborhoods
-Buildings will catch on fire
-Riots will ensue
-Zombies will rise and overthrow humanity
A worldwide lock down. No travel between nations is permitted, and many institutions (like schools) close. Sports events and similar group-things are canceled. Anything where people gather would be canceled.
everyone becomes zombies and you need to learn grammar
the earth will implode!!!!
when birds and pigs catch the human flu, would anyone care?
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