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Do you think preventing people from crossing the border with Mexico illegally might help? Where's that border fence congress promised us a couple of years ago? How come with hundreds of billions in federal "stimulus" money being spent, the Dems didn't want to spend any money to build the fence?


buttercu said...

LOL White House Watching, so true! ..... and of course closing the border would be a great idea not to mention INTELLIGENT. But I expect an even larger influx of illegals. The clinics will be bombarded with swine flu victims. And of course as they are spreading the disease we will be giving them free health care instead of shipping them back to Mexico. yeah and where is that fence and why wasn't some of that "stimulus money" "earmarked" for that fence and more patrols

Hawaii Home said...

I did a blog post on it this morning.
Borders have nothing to do with this. The flu we get in the USA each year comes from China. The Great Wall is like the US/Mexico fence on steroids. A fence is a waste of money. With air travel and tunnels, you can't stop anyone, especially a virus.
A businessman in Mexico City more likely than not spread the virus to New York last week, not an immigrant.

Pelosi & Lefts Ruined California said...

Some of them probably make profits with the drug cartels- totally- there is people in our govt that wants people to be addicted to drugs so they can make money on drugs in the future thinking it will get legalized. A fence would be like spending POCKET change on what they have blown our money on! There is even BILLIONS missing? They lost track of BILLIONS of our money!!!
There is 8 Cases of Swine flu in NY. It appears to spread fast, these kids went on vacation in Mexico.

Blending In said...

Maybe if Obama did something more than preen and pat himself on the back for his first 100 days in office, we would actually have a government that did more than just blame Republicans for all the troubles of the world. Close the borders now - and then President Obama can once again invoke his time-tested alibi: He inherited the problem. o_O

pissedof said...

I don't think anything matters at this point. This genie ain't going back in the bottle. There are already cases in Europe and Asia, so it's not just Mexico anymore. These things spread geometrically, so we're probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg right now.

Joe said...

Obama would rather Americans get killed then support any policy that would end an opportunity to brainlessly claim racism to his brainless supporters.
Wake up Obama supporters, he really is ignorant.

NIMBY TWO said...

that will be hard to do when Janet Manpolitano states on national TV
that it's not even a crime to illegally storm our borders!!!

Brian said...

Yes, restricting travel over the southern border will help contain the outbreak..

ogreat1 said...

Of course it would "help' .......but it won't STOP it........a fence or wall won't contain a disease that's airborne.....common sense on that one.

White House Watching said...

It decreases their voting population.

Ed J said...

NO.....With international travel the physical border means nothing in containment.

N_gg_r Rich said...

preventing border crossing will help a lot of things

Bitter Taco said...

and who will be paying the Bills?

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